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Benefits for Clinical Teachers Association Members
Clinical Teachers Associabetion of UWO (CTA – UWO)
Members who hold a regular full-time academic position in the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry are eligible for various benefits and the Pension Plan for Academic Staff. The benefit and pension plans are described in detail below.
The benefit provisions described here are effective January 1, 2010. The Memorandum of Agreement between The Clinical Teachers Association and 深夜福利站, ratified August 30, 2009, provides for substantially re-designed health, life insurance and disability insurance plans beginning in January. All new clinical faculty offered full-time positions on and after January 1, 2010 must be enrolled in the plan, but will have various options on the level of benefits.
The health plan is designed to complement benefits payable to physicians who are also enrolled in the Ontario Priority Insurance Plan (OPIP), sponsored by the Ontario Medical Association (OMA).
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the plan descriptions here, your benefits and rights are governed by the Group Insurance Contracts and the Official Pension Plan documents applicable to each plan.
Choose a topic from the list below for more details:
Dependent Tuition Scholarship Plan
Disability Insurance
Frequently Asked Questions
Funding Benefits
Health Care Spending Account
Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) Claims
Other Benefits
Pension Plan
Post Retirement Benefits
Statutory Benefits
Benefits While Working Beyond Your Normal Retirement Date
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