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Dependent Tuition Scholarship Plan
The Dependent Tuition Scholarship plan is a program that provides support for higher education of full time employee dependents. The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Faculty Association (UWOFA) sets the eligibility and benefit payment provisions for their members and Clinical Faculty members. Currently a scholarship of $6,500 per academic year is awarded to eligible dependents enrolled full time in an accredited university program who maintain an academic average of at least 68%. There are other modified benefit levels for part time students and students of accredited community college programs.
See the for more details.
Tax effective benefit:
While the tax status of this plan has changed significantly over the past few years, we now have a clear communication from the Canada Revenue Agency that payments from this plan are taxable in the hands of the student, not the physician.
UWOFA is accountable for all policy decisions with respect to this program. Benefit levels and qualifying conditions change based on the claims experience of the program.
The Dependent Tuition Scholarship Plan is administered through the Office of the Registrar. For more information please call 519-661-2111 x85679.
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