My Human Resources
Login Tools
My Human Resources
Enter direct banking information, view earnings statements, change your address & manage training. [ LOGIN]
Pension Account
View pension plan balances and investment mix and choose your investments. [ LOGIN]
Check and submit claims, get forms, print Manulife card. [ LOGIN]
Faculty Staff Resources
Salary ranges, pay schedules and related information. [ LOGIN]
Researcher Toolbox
Hiring/appointing research roles, including budgeting for salary and benefit costs. [ LOGIN]
Administrator Toolbox
Appointments and pay administration, offer templates. [ LOGIN]
Leader Toolbox
Help with recruiting, hiring, enhancing performance. [ LOGIN]
深夜福利站 Financial
Submit expenses, PER inquiry, research grants.
My Human Resources
My Human Resources is a secure online application where 深夜福利站 faculty and staff may view earnings statements and benefit information, enter direct banking information for pay, update important contact information, view career opportunities, participate in employment surveys and enroll in training. Special access is also available to some students.
Need help navigating My Human Resources? See the “My HR - How do I...” information page for help accessing your earning statements, updating tax information and more.
Important reminder: Be sure to click on the Sign Out link under the menu button in the top right-hand corner when you are finished accessing/changing data in My Human Resources. Because these pages contain information about your pay and other personal data, signing out will ensure that others may not access this information on your computer after you leave. Follow practices on all devices.
If you are experiencing difficulty with a specific browser please try a different browser or read our troubleshooting tips.
My Human Resources will not be available for a period each week, from Saturday at 11:59 p.m. to Sunday at 6:00 a.m. to allow maintenance work.
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