Accident / Illness / Incident Reporting

Whenever you suffer a workplace accident or illness, or experience a close call, the situation must be reported. This page will assist you on what actions to take and in completing the Accident/Illness/Incident Report Form.

Critical Injury Steps

If a workplace injury meets the definition of a critical injury, take the following steps:

  1. Ensure the accident victim has received proper first aid, then:
  2. Immediately secure the accident scene and prevent any evidence from being removed prior to the completion of an investigation.
  3. Contact Health & Safety by emailing or by calling Human Resources at x82194, and contact 深夜福利站 Special Constable Service at 911.

For further information or if you have a specific question, please contact Louise Koza at or call 519-661-2111 extension 85540.

Accident / Illness / Incident Reporting Steps

Personal injury accidents, occupational illness, property damage over $250 and close calls which in another set of circumstances would result in personal injury, must be reported.

Definition of Occupational Illness

Priority Steps

  • Medical assistance and first aid are your priority.
  • The accident/incident scene must be secured and made safe to prevent further accidents until the investigation is completed.

Steps for Supervisors

  • The supervisor conducts the investigation and completes the Accident/Illness/Incident Report Form. Complete the upper part of the form, working with the person(s) involved.  If there is a dispute separate reports may be filed.
  • Analyze contributing factors and from these determine the corrective actions needed.  Indicate these on the form.
  • Sign off on the form once completed and fax to Employee Health & Well-being at 519-661-3420 or 83420.
  • Distribute copies of the Accident/Illness/Incident Report as follows:
    • Workplace/Student Health Services (UCC 25)
    • Budget Unit Head/Supervisor or Chair
    • Employee/Student/Visitor
    • Originator
    • Applicable Employee’s Union/Staff Group – JOHSC Rep
      • UWOSA – UCC 255
      • PMA – UCC 351
      • CUPE 2361 - FM - SSB 1320
      • CUPE 2692 HS – Perth Hall 152
      • OPSEU 102 – LwH 1257
      • IUOE
      • PSAC 610 – UCC 271
      • SAGE – STVH 3107P
      • UWOFA - Elborn

Remember, our first goal is always prevention!

Critical Injury Definition

Serious accidents which meet this definition must be reported to the Ministry of Labour immediately.

A critical injury means an injury of a serious nature that:

  • places life in jeopardy,
  • produces unconsciousness,
  • results in substantial loss of blood,
  • involves the fracture of an arm or a leg but not a finger or toe,
  • involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot but not a finger or toe,
  • consists of burns to a major portion of the body, or
  • causes the loss of sight in an eye; ("gravement blessé")

“medical attention” means treatment from a legally qualified medical practitioner or a registered nurse who holds an extended certificate of registration under the Nursing Act, 1991. (“soins médicaux”)


Occupational Health and Safety Act of Ontario, Regulation 420/21

Occupational Illness Definition

An occupational illness as defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (section 1 (1)) is “a condition that results from exposure in a workplace to a physical, chemical or biological agent to the extent that the normal physiological mechanisms are affected and the health of the worker is impaired thereby and includes an occupational disease for which a worker is entitled to benefits under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997”.

Examples of Occupational Illnesses

  • Asbestosis
  • Dermatitis (skin rashes and inflammation)
  • Occupational asthma
  • Infectious diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis, norovirus,influenza, chickenpox)
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Noise induced hearing loss
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Silicosis

Health and Safety Ontario

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