Honouring our Past, Creating our Future
Transforming Education, Services, Systems and Policies that Impact Health
We’ve gone virtual! Join us on May 3, 10, 25 and 31!
This virtual conference will bring together researchers, graduate students, practitioners, and decision-makers for dialogue and exchange with a focus on the transformative potential of research in improving health and well-being across varied contexts, and the conditions that shape health – past, present and future.
Program Highlights:
- Three Plenary Addresses by international experts in global health, digital health and leadership, beginning with the Inaugural Dr. Heather Spence Laschinger Lecture
- More than 100 oral presentations, symposia, and science pitches, covering a wide range of cutting-edge topics
- An Innovation Forum featuring art-based research and evidence-based technologies, with a chance to meet the people behind the innovations (on May 10)
- Opportunities to network and connect with other delegates 1:1 through live chat
- Access the Full Conference Program (the schedules for each day along with presentation abstracts are provided below)
Explore the detailed conference schedule posted below. Selected sessions will be recorded and archived for delegates to access at their convenience.
Register through this website. One fee covers all four days! Registration is $120 for the full conference or $70 for full-time student and postdoctoral scholars.
Participate in the conference. All delegates will be provided with an access code for the virtual conference site about 1 week before the conference begins.
We look forward to seeing you on May 3rd!
Plenary Speakers
Monday, May 3 – Dr. Heather Spence Laschinger Inaugural Lecture
What happens now? Nursing, technology and society in a post-pandemic world
With the increasing use of technology in all areas of healthcare over the last few decades, combined recent effects of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, nursing must look to the future to help plot a course for the profession. To do this, the profession will need to re-image certain processes and roles that leverage the best elements of both humans and technology. To do this, the presentation will explore the various direct and indirect implications of emergent technology in society and upon the nursing profession.
Richard Booth, RN, PhD
Associate Professor, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, 深夜福利站
Speaker Bio:
Richard Booth is an Associate Professor at the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing (深夜福利站, London, Canada) and a clinician researcher with an active research program exploring technology, data sciences, and psychiatric-mental health nursing. He also conducts research with the Ontarian healthcare administrative data steward (ICES), exploring mental health outcomes related to models of care and health system utilization. From a teaching perspective, he has developed a variety of serious games for use within undergraduate nursing education, including a homecare dementia simulator and electronic barcode medication administration game. He currently holds both provincial and federal grants from the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and the Science Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and supervises numerous graduate students at the master's and doctoral levels.
Monday, May 10 – Plenary Address
"Never let a crisis go to waste": Leading transformative change for gender and health equity globally
The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a magnifier of health and gender inequities globally. These inequities can no longer be denied or blamed on unhealthy behaviors of underserved and marginalized populations. The global crisis provides an opportunity to do things we did not think possible. The presentation and dialogue will focus on transformation in health care and other institutions through changes in systems, structure, norms, and management.
Nancy Glass, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
Professor and Independence Chair in Nursing Johns Hopkins School of Nursing & Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health Associate Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health
With responses by: Yolanda Babenko-Mould, RN, PhD, Associate Professor & Associate Director Graduate Programs, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, 深夜福利站; Susana Caxaj, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor and Arthur Labatt Fellow in Health Equity, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, 深夜福利站
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Glass conducts multidisciplinary projects in partnership with local experts and communities across diverse global settings domestically and globally, including in conflict and post-conflict countries (Somalia, DR Congo, South Sudan). Her federally funded program of research work focusses on evaluating violence prevention, economic empowerment and safety interventions to improve the health, economic stability and well-being of survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and their families. Dr. Glass has collaborated with global experts and donors (such as UNICEF and World Bank) to implement and evaluate innovative primary prevention programs that challenge social norms that sustain violence against women; examine the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) to inform programs and service; and improve health care systems’ responses to survivors of GBV. These and other projects use mHealth technologies to deliver programs and to collect confidential and secure data, reach diverse populations, and provide tools and resources to health and social service providers. A past president of NNVAWI, Dr. Glass is committed to collaborating with and mentoring colleagues, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students globally as well as partnering with community experts and organizations to improve health, safety, and economic stability for women, families, and communities.
Monday, May 31 – Closing Plenary
Leading in a Post-Pandemic World: Nursing at a Crossroad
In the past year, the pandemic has consumed and transformed our personal and professional ways of being in the world. Despite nurses’ invaluable contributions to the management of COVID-19, the future structure and role of the profession remains uncertain. In this session, current and emerging issues of concern for the profession will be highlighted and discussed in the context of society, healthcare, and essential leadership attributes for the future.
Lynn M. Nagle, PhD, RN, FAAN
Director, Digital Health and Virtual Learning, University of New Brunswick
Adjunct Professor, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
Adjunct Professor, 深夜福利站
Speaker Bio:
With more than 35 years of healthcare experience, Dr. Nagle is nationally and internationally known for her work in health and nursing informatics. She brings expertise from many different clinical and academic settings, has participated in and led the development of numerous digital health initiatives, as well as research focused on the adoption of digital health solutions in practice environments. Dr. Nagle teaches in undergraduate and graduate programs focused in nursing, health administration and informatics. Prior to establishing her own health informatics consulting practice, she was the CIO and Senior Vice-President for Technology and Knowledge Management at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. She has numerous professional publications and presentations to her credit and in recognition of her work was named one of the top 10 Women Leaders in Digital Health in Canada in 2017.
Conference Schedule
- Access the Full Conference Program (the schedules for each day along with presentation abstracts are provided below)
Day 1: Monday, May 3
Dr. Heather Spence Laschinger Lecture, Oral Papers and Symposia
- 12:00-12:15 Conference Opening and Land Acknowledgement
- 12:15-1:30 Dr. Heather Spence Laschinger Inaugural Lecture
- Richard Booth, RN, PhD
- 1:45-2:45 Concurrent Session A
- Oral Paper Presentations & Symposium I
- 3:00-4:00 Concurrent Session B
- Oral Paper Presentations & Symposium II
Day 2: Monday, May 10
Plenary Address and Dialogue, Innovation Forum and Oral Papers
- 12:00-12:10 Welcome & Announcements
- 12:10-1:30 Plenary Address & Dialogue
- Nancy Glass, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
- Responses: Yolanda Babenko-Mould, Susana Caxaj
- 1:45-2:45 Innovation Forum LIVE Sessions
- 2:45-4:00 Concurrent Session C
- Oral Paper Presentations
Day 3: Tuesday, May 25
Oral Papers and Science Pitches
- 12:00-12:10 Welcome & Announcements
- 12:15-1:30 Concurrent Session D
- Oral Paper Presentations
- 1:45-2:40 Concurrent Session E
- Oral Paper Presentations and Science Pitches
- 3:00-4:00 Concurrent Session F
- Oral Paper Presentations
Day 4: Monday, May 31
Oral Papers and Symposia, Closing Plenary Address
- 12:00-1:00 Concurrent Session G
- Oral Paper Presentations & Symposium III
- 1:15-2:15 Concurrent Session H
- Oral Paper Presentations & Symposium IV
- 2:30-3:45 Closing Plenary
- Lynn M. Nagle, RN, PhD, FAAN, FCAN
- 3:45-4:00 Closing
Fees are payable in Canadian funds using VISA or Mastercard.
Fees include: Admission to all sessions for the 4-day conference via the virtual conference platform; access to archived presentations and an online program.
Early Bird Registration (before March 20, 2021)
- Full-Time Student/Postdoctoral Fellow: $50.00
- All others: $100.00
Regular Registration (March 20, 2021 or later)
- Full-Time Student/Postdoctoral Fellow: $70.00
- All others: $120.00
Refund, Cancellation and Privacy Policy
Cancellations must be sent to conference.services@uwo.ca by April 20, 2021. A $30.00 administrative fee will be applied to cancellations received on or before this date. No refunds will be given after April 20, 2021.