Susana Caxaj, PhD
Research In Profile
Professor Caxaj's research is focused on exploring underserved populations’ access and navigation of health and multi-sectoral services with a particular focus on racialized, migrant and Indigenous populations.
Featured Publications and Projects
Chapters and Entries in Books and Dictionaries
- Key findings and recommendations from a study of coroner’s files of migrant agricultural workers’ deaths in Ontario from January 2020 to June 2021 (February 1, 2022). Caxaj, C. S., Tran, M., Tew, M., Mayell, S., McLaughlin, J., Rawal, S., Cole, D. & Vosko, L. [Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group]. Submitted to the Chief Coroner’s Office of Ontario and the Government of Canada (Employment and Social Development of Canada and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada).
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Cohen, A. & Caxaj, C. S. (2022). A Lifeline in Troubled waters: A Support model Intervention for Migrant Farm Workers. International Migration, 00, 1 – 16.
- Caxaj, C. S., & Cohen, A. (2021). Emerging best practices for supporting temporary migrant farmworkers in 深夜福利站 Canada. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(1), 250-258.
- Colindres, C., Cohen, A., & Caxaj, C. S. (2021). Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Health, Safety and Access to Protections: A Descriptive Survey Identifying Structural Gaps and Vulnerabilities in the Interior of British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3696.
- Caxaj, C. S., & Cohen, A. (2019). “I Will Not Leave My Body Here”: Migrant Farmworkers’ Health and Safety Amidst a Climate of Coercion. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(15), 2643.
- Schill, K., & Caxaj, C. S. (2019). Cultural safety strategies for rural Indigenous palliative care: a scoping review. BMC palliative care, 18(1), 21.
- Caxaj, C. S., Chau, S., & Parkins, I. (2018). How racialized students navigate campus life in a mid-sized Canadian city:‘thrown against a white background’but ‘comfortable enough to laugh’. Race Ethnicity and Education, 1-20.
Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Caxaj, C. S. (PI) George, G., Lozanski, K., McLaughlin, J., Mayell, S. et. al, Hennebry, J., Vosko, L. et. al and various community partners (2022 – 2024). Conditions capacities and possibilities for service evaluation with migrant agricultural workers: Partnered Research Evaluating Services with Migrants in Agriculture (PRESMA). SSHRC. $193,700.
- Caxaj, C. S. (PI), Weiler, A., Mclaughlin, J., Oudshoorn, A., Vosko, L., Basok, T., Hennebry, J. et. al (2021 – 2023). Migrants Intersecting experiences with Housing in Agriculture (MIHA). SSHRC. $160,000.
Graduate Student Projects
Black Students Experiences of Belonging in Historically White Institutions.
- Montague, Janet (in progress). Phd, Nursing.
Caribbean Farmworkers Housing: Implications for Public Health.
- Diedrick, Elizabeth (in progress). MSc, Nursing.
- Pop, Jessica (2022). MSc, Nursing.
- Longo, Riana (2021). MSc, Nursing.
- Johnson, Suzanne J. (2020). MSc, Interdisciplinary Studies.
Visit for a list of completed student theses and dissertations.
Additional Information
- Nursing Alumni of Distinction Rising Star Award (2020)
- Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing Fellowship in Health Equity (2021 – 2023)
Professional Activities
- Co-founder and core member, Migrant Worker Health Expert Working Group (MWH-EWG)
- Co-chair, Decolonization, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression School of Nursing Committee (DARAO)
In the Media
- - Canadian Science Policy Centre
- - Okanagan Edge
- - Kelowna Capital News
- - CBC News
- - Science X
- - Castanet
- - Castanet
- “” Queen’s Park Briefing. (2022)
- “ Toronto Star. (2022)
- "" (2020)
- "" Toronto Star. (2020)
- "" Globe and Mail. (2020)
- "" Windsor CBC. (2019)