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Lisa Archibald, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Elborn College
1201 深夜福利站 Rd.
London, Ontario CANADA
N6G 1H1
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 82753
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2018-19 Poster Presentation
Speech-Language Pathology Presentations
Alfakir, T. & Hameer, M: Does the addition of sEMG biofeedback to behavioural dysphagia intervention yield better swallowing-related outcomes in adults with dysphagia?
Arber, L: The effects of aphasia on sexuality and intimacy within a spousal relationship
Barrett, A. & Hutchinson, L: Factors Associated with Dysphagia Assessed via Videofluoroscopy
Bennison, S: Does tDCS accompanied by speech-language therapy improve anomic deficits in individuals with aphasia
Bernard, P. & Jennings, A: The Relationship Between Parent Stress and Parent Language Use: A Critical Review and Pilot Study
Bernie, E: What is the efficacy of a telepractice service delivery model when compared to traditional on-site therapy for school-aged children receiving speech sound intervention (SSI)?Bishay, M: Does the use of humour in language instruction foster second language development in English as a second language (ESL) learners?
Blanco Murillo, P: Acquisition of morphemes in typically developing Spanish-speaking children
Bloemberg, C: Effects of shared storybook reading on phonological awareness skills in preschool-aged children at risk for reading disabilities.
Breton, K: Exploring cultural considerations for assessing the speech and language of First Nations children.
Burke, M: Do Deaf children with Autism Spectrum Disorder differ in their use or comprehension of signed communication from those without ASD?
Carvalho, A: Does canine-assisted intervention support positive social functioning and improve communication outcomes in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?
Chan, L. & Walker, J: The efficacy of recent intervention techniques (from 2016-2018) used to treat selective mutism
Chung, M: Are there long-term benefits of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment on speech intensity in patients with Parkinson’s Disease?
Colini, R: Is Improvisational Music Therapy Efficacious in Fostering Social Communication Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Darling, B: In individuals with dementia, is reminiscence therapy an effective intervention for improving autobiographical memory?
Dube, R: The effectiveness of self-administered, technology-based anomia therapy in patients with chronic post-stroke aphasia
Duff, R: What is the evidence that professional development improves students’ literacy outcomes?
Dykstra, J: Do Speech-Language Pathologists Who Rapport Build Gain Better Outcomes for Clients with Communication Disorders and What Are the Essential Characteristics that Enable Them to Do So?
Forte, A: The Speech Language Pathologist’s Role in Delivering Adult End of Life Care
Gingrich, D: Investigating the Classification Accuracy of Dynamic Assessment with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children
Hale, S: Does orofacial myofunctional therapy improve outcomes for children with obstructive sleep apnea?
Hodgins, S: In bilingual children using augmentative and alternative communication, what factors influence successful communication intervention?
Jongejan, N: What role does the Speech Language Pathologist play in adult palliative care settings?
Kapoor, J: Are language-specific, tablet-based apps an effective therapy tool for improving expressive language in adults with aphasia?
Lake, M: Is vocal hygiene education effective for the prevention and management of voice difficulties among singers?
Leal, N: Are high-tech devices more effective for engagement in social interactions when compared to low-tech devices for children with Autism?
Leggett, J: Is music therapy intervention an effective way to improve social communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?
Livingstone-Pountney, J. & Mitrevski, E: Is there a relationship between stuttering and depression in disfluent adolescents and adults?
Marcoux, T. & McKitrick, M: VFSS or Non-invasive techniques: Best practice standards for assessing dysphagia in high risk children
McCubbin, S: In Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS), does Incorporating the Principles of Motor Learning Provide Therapeutic Benefits?
Mykhaylova, D: Does flow phonation therapy have a positive effect on the voice quality of dysphonic patients in comparison to pre-assessment results?
O’Keefe, L: How are social interactions impacted by developmental language disorder?
Patrick, E: Does Compliance with Swallowing Exercise Regimes Impact Swallowing Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients?
Perdue, T: Is telepractice an effective model for providing Auditory-Verbal Therapy (AVT) for children with hearing loss?
Rattray, A: What are the attitudes and beliefs of school-age peers toward children who utilize Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to communicate?
Rawn, J: The Effectiveness of Self-Administered, Tablet Computer-Based Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Aphasia
Robillard, M: What are the perspectives of culturally and linguistically diverse families on the speech, language and educational services provided to their children with communication disorders?
Sobol, B: Is there a link between language skills and anxiety in children or adolescents with communication impairments?
Wardrop, K: Determining the efficacy of using computer-based cognitive training to enhance cognition in individuals with Alzheimer’s dementia
Wilkinson, N: In individuals with dementia, is hand feeding an effective and feasible alternative to tube feeding?
Woldmo, R: Effects of animal assisted therapy on communication, social behaviours, and cognition following acquired brain injury in adults
Wong, M: The Bilingual Advantage - Does Bilingualism Enhance Executive Function Development in Middle Childhood?
Wuestner, D: Does a literacy program with Visual Phonics improve phonological awareness and phonics skills in d/Deaf or hard of hearing children aged 3-9?