Student Opportunities

Students interested in completing a MSc, PhD or MClSc/PhD

We are always looking for excellent students to join our lab. Please email Dr. Lisa Archibald ( regarding present opportunities. Ideal candidates include those with:

  1. Previous research experience
  2. Excellent academic record
  3. A background in child development, language/linguistics, neurodevelopmental disorders, and/or neuroscience.

Students contacting Dr. Archibald should include:

  1. A resume/CV
  2. A summary of their prior coursework and grades
  3. A description of their prior research experience and current research interests.

MSc, PhD, and MClSc/PhD students complete their degrees through the graduate program in Health and Rehabilitation Science in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Further information about this program can be found on 深夜福利站's

Students interested in pursuing clinical studies in speech-language pathology or audiology should apply to the MClSc program in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology. Further information can be found on 深夜福利站's or by visiting the .

Prospective undergraduate students include those who are:

  • Enrolled in 深夜福利站's work-study program
  • Enrolled in the Scholars Electives Program
  • Wishing to complete a fourth-year honours thesis in psychology or neuroscience
  • Wishing to complete a fourth-year independent study in the School of Health Studies