Movement is Medicine...Except When It’s Not

General rule: it’s better to move than not to!  - doom scrolling, sitting, and feeling down

You’ve probably heard that movement is medicine. In general, this is an excellent rule to live by! If you find yourself doing any of these three things, doing any kind of physical activity will probably help you feel better physically and mentally.

  1. If you've been sitting all day. While sitting is not as bad for you as smoking, sitting all day is not good for your body, and it certainly is not good for your mental health. Regular movement breaks can help re-connect your mind and body, reduce brain fog, and re-energize your whole system.
  2. If you’re doom scrolling on your phone. You probably already know this, but the longer you zone out on TikTok or Instagram, the worse you will feel – and there’s studies that back this up. Instead of waiting for that miracle reel, just get up and go for a walk. You’ll feel much better.
  3. If you’re feeling depressed or anxious. Even if you break movement into chunks throughout your day, regular physical activity can be as powerful as an antidepressant.

So, instead of having another energy drink to kickstart yourself after sitting all day, go for a walk. Instead of waiting for the dopamine hit from TikTok, try natural energy and endorphins from moving your body. Your future self will thank you for it.

There are a few caveats to this rule however, and we will be covering those in our Wellness and Recreation Wednesday series this month. Starting with –

Caveat #1 –  

If movement is medicine, should you do it while you are sick? What about if you are injured? It depends. Like any medicine, if you’re not sure about your dose, make sure you talk with a doctor or professional.  

These general guidelines may help you consider how you want to dose your movement medicine when you’re under the weather or hurt: 

  1. Don’t train through pain unless you are under the care of a professional (e.g. physiotherapist).  “No pain no gain” is not a helpful motto if you can’t properly do an activity because of pain. If it hurts to lift a weight or bend a particular way, don’t ignore that. Your body is trying to tell you there is something going on that needs your attention, so check it out to make sure it doesn’t get worse.
  2. If you can’t do something, do something else. You may not be able to go for your run or lift the weight you thought you would, but you probably can stretch or do something gentler like a walk or yoga. Some studies (e.g. Martin, Pence, and Woods, 2009) suggest that sticking with exercise even when you are mildly unwell can support your body’s immune response to help your recovery.
  3. Trust your internal cues. When your body says “no,” treat it with respect and patience. This response will help your body reserve energy for recovery and healing. 
  4. Just take a break if you have a fever, are vomiting, or have diarrhea.

If you're injured or sick, you need to consider the mental health aspect of your recovery. If you’re used to playing sports a few times a week and you get injured, your mood might take a hit since you are not able to get out and move the way you were before. Mental focus and mood get a boost from exercise, so if you’re just sitting around recovering from some kind of sickness or injury, you might be feeling worse because you’re not moving.   

Caveat #2 –  

Unless you’ve got a doctor or physiotherapist telling you otherwise, doing something is probably better than nothing for your mind and your body, even if it is small. If you’re looking to speak with a doctor, you can book with one of the many physicians at ҹվ Health & Wellness Services. You can book appointments online here or contact reception either in person at 2710 Thames Hall or by calling 519-661-3030. 

Watch for more caveats in articles and posts on Wednesdays throughout the month of February. on Instagram. 


  • - Vallance JK, Gardiner PA, Lynch BM, D'Silva A, Boyle T, Taylor LM, Johnson ST, Buman MP, Owen N. Evaluating the Evidence on Sitting, Smoking, and Health: Is Sitting Really the New Smoking? Am J Public Health. 2018 Nov;108(11):1478-1482. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304649. Epub 2018 Sep 25. PMID: 30252516; PMCID: PMC6187798.
  • - Riehm KE, Feder KA, Tormohlen KN, Crum RM, Young AS, Green KM, Pacek LR, La Flair LN, Mojtabai R. Associations Between Time Spent Using Social Media and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among US Youth. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019 Dec 1;76(12):1266-1273. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.2325. PMID: 31509167; PMCID: PMC6739732.
  • - Liu M, Kamper-DeMarco KE, Zhang J, Xiao J, Dong D, Xue P. Time Spent on Social Media and Risk of Depression in Adolescents: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Apr 24;19(9):5164. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19095164. PMID: 35564559; PMCID: PMC9103874.
  • - Noetel M, Sanders T, Gallardo-Gómez D, Taylor P, del Pozo Cruz B, van den Hoek D et al. Effect of exercise for depression: systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials BMJ 2024; 384 :e075847 doi:10.1136/bmj-2023-075847
  • - Heisz, J. J. (2022). Move the body, heal the mind: overcome anxiety, depression, and dementia and improve focus, creativity, and sleep. Boston, Mariner Books
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  • -Martin SA, Pence BD, Woods JA. Exercise and respiratory tract viral infections. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2009 Oct;37(4):157-64. doi: 10.1097/JES.0b013e3181b7b57b. PMID: 19955864; PMCID: PMC2803113. 
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  • - Visit for a full list of health and crisis supports.

Past Wellness Wednesday Articles & Videos:

Fitness Industry Myths #4 – You should look 'picture perfect' and confident while you exercise - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Fitness Industry Myths #3 – Everyone should like long, intense workouts  - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Fitness Industry Myths - #1 Your body has to look a certain way - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Staying Active During Exam Season - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Physical Activity is Good for Your Mental Health - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Physical Activity is an Effective Treatment for LOTS of Presenting Problems - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Last Updated: February 5, 2025