Fitness Industry Myths #3 – Everyone should like long, intense workouts 

Fitness Industry Myth #3 – Everyone should like long, intense workouts 

If you’ve ever seen videos of people working out with huge smiles on their faces, it's likely got you thinking, “If they like running or deadlifting or burpees that much, then it must be fun!”  And maybe it is fun... for them. Maybe they really like it. 

But maybe the fitness industry is trying to convince you that you should like long and intense workouts. Maybe it’s trying to convince you that exercising a certain way should be fun and exciting for everyone- whether that’s CrossFit or Pilates or a push/pull split weights routine. 

Here’s the reality: sometimes exercise is hard and boring. Some people really love weights or long-distance running, but that doesn’t mean you have to like it! It also doesn’t mean that you have to do it – there are plenty of ways of exercising or moving that get you similar benefits. For example, it turns out that dancing has an incredibly positive effect on mood – and for some people it may be way more enjoyable to dance to a YouTube tutorial at home than begin a weightlifting regiment at the gym. 


Some forms of exercise are certainly more beneficial than others when it comes to things like improving cardiovascular fitness, mobility, or bone density. But it’s a myth that everyone should like gym-based workouts. There are lots of ways to enjoy physical activity that is good for your mind and body – and, the more you enjoy doing it, the more likely you are to stick to it. 

Want to try out some free Yoga or Meditation? Sign up for one of Campus Recreation's free fitness classes this term. A part of the Move Your Mood series. 


  • Teixeira PJ, Carraça EV, Markland D, Silva MN, Ryan RM. Exercise, physical activity, and self-determination theory: a systematic review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2012 Jun 22;9:78. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-78. PMID: 22726453; PMCID: PMC3441783. 

Past Wellness Wednesday Articles & Videos:

Fitness Industry Myths - #1 Your body has to look a certain way - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Staying Active During Exam Season - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Physical Activity is Good for Your Mental Health - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Physical Activity is an Effective Treatment for LOTS of Presenting Problems - Sport and Recreation Services - ҹվ

Posted: January 22, 2025