
Sports Management at 深夜福利站深夜福利站 Health Sciences

Sport Management News at 深夜福利站

December 2019

PhD alumnus wins teaching award 

Dr. Kyle Rich (PhD, 2017) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at Brock University. Dr. Rich was awarded the Clark Thompson award for Excellence in Teaching on December 4.

Congratulations, Dr. Rich on being recognized for your outstanding efforts in teaching!

November 2019

PhD Candidate completes successful defense 

Sport Management doctoral candidate, Kylie Wasser successfully defended her thesis entitled, "Organizational Governance of Event Impacts" on November 13. Faculty members such as Prof. Alison Doherty, Prof. Karen Danylchuk, and Dr. Angela Schneider, and several sport management students were present to support Kylie.

Congratulations to Dr. Wasser and Dr. Misener!

Visiting scholar from the University of Gothenburg visits 深夜福利站 

Dr. Kristina N. Lindström, a scholar from the University of Gothenburg's Department of Economy and Society & Centre for Tourism, School of Business, Economics and Law is visiting 深夜福利站 from November 6 to December 5. Her research interests revolve around sustainable place-making in the face of tourism development, specifically with a focus on policy, planning, and the implementation of sustainability strategies. She is interested in the notion of sustainability in the context of events, tourism, and place development, including the risks of conflicts of interests between different aspects of sustainability and solutions to such challenges.

Dr. Lindstrom’s recent research includes studies of community involvement in tourism development, local governmental responses to increased tourism volumes, tourism and the sharing economy, and tourism management within sustainable spatial planning. During her stay at 深夜福利站, she will be working in the area of socio-cultural effects of festivals and events that are staged in urban public spaces, with a focus on issues of inclusion and exclusion to public space through events and festivals.

Dr. Misener's work featured on SIRC 

Dr. Laura Misener (Associate Professor & Director, School of Kinesiology) penned a piece for the Sport Information Research Collective entitled, "Increasing Disctinction in Parasport Event Management." In the article, Dr. Misener discusses the different means of managing a mega-event that includes para athletes and aims to highlight the opportunities and challenges of ensuring that para sport athletes' needs and desires are appreciated and valued in the same fashion as able-bodied athletes in the Games environment. The article can be read in full on the SIRC website . 

October 2019 

深夜福利站 Sport Management attend the SCRI Conference 

The 2019 Sport Canada Research Initiative (SCRI) Conference organized by the Sport Information Resources Centre (SIRC) was held in Ottawa from October 24-25.

Prof. Alison Doherty presented on the benefits of learning about the First Nations Principles of Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession (OCAP). Dr. Laura Misener presented a poster titled, "Major Sport Events and Parasport Participation: Investigating Post-Event Opportunities and Experiences." Swarali Patil (PhD Student) also presented a poster titled, "Continuers, Re-kindlers, and Late Starters: A Profile of Masters Athletes and their Experiences in Sport."

深夜福利站 was also well represented by its doctoral alumni, Dr. Kyle Rich (PhD, 2017), Dr. Patti Millar (PhD, 2015), Dr. Katie Lebel (PhD, 2013), Dr. Laura Wood (PhD, 2011), Dr. Shannon Kerwin (PhD, 2010), and Dr. Katie Misener (PhD, 2009) who attended and/or presented their research at the event. Additional details on the conference including knowledge transfer papers can be found .

Prof. Danylchuk visits Chile for WASM 

The 3rd World Association for Sport Management (WASM) conference was held in Santiago, Chile from October 16 - 19. The conference attracted 150 delegates from 37 countries. Prof. Karen Danylchuk was re-elected President at the association's AGM. Pictured here is Prof. Danylchuk with Director of Olympic Committee of Chile, Director of Sport Ministry, and Rector of University of Santo Tomas.

As well as presiding over the conference, Prof. Danylchuk co-presented a paper entitled "Career Transition from Sport Management Professor to Administrator: Experiences and Perspectives" with Prof. James Thoma from University of Mount Union, Prof. James Zhang from University of Georgia, and Prof. Bob Baker and Prof. Laurence Chalip from George Mason University. More details on WASM and on the conference are available .

PhD Candidate represents 深夜福利站 at Leadership Conference 

Corey Crossan (PhD Candidate, 2022) attended the 21st annual Global Conference with the theme "Leadership: Courage Required" in Ottawa from October 24 - 27. Corey and post-doctorate fellow, Dr. Cassie Ellis led a session titled, "Developing leaders: Embedding character." The presentation focussed on using music to develop leader character. Pictured here are other presenters during the session (from left to right) Marlene Janzen Le Ber, Corey Crossan, Lucas Monzani, Kanina Blanchard, and Cassie Ellis. More details on the Global Conference are available .

Convocation ceremony celebrates new graduates

深夜福利站 Sport Management celebrated the convocation of its graduate students on October 24, 2019. Pictured here is Dr. Jim Weese with Olympic ice dance champions Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, who were awarded honorary degrees by the Faculty of Law.

The Sport Management class of 2019 included Master of Arts graduates, Robbie Turchyn, Justin McKenzie, and Emily Greenough (Supervisor: Prof. Alison Doherty), Jordan Skavinsky (Supervisor: Prof. Karen Danylchuk), and Christman Hsu and Jordan Im (Supervisor: Dr. Laura Misener). Congratulations to the graduates and best wishes for their upcoming endeavours.

September 2019

PhD Candidate attends EASM in Spain 

Corey Crossan (PhD Candidate, 2022) attended the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference from September 3-6 in Seville, Spain. Corey attended the doctoral student seminar along with 18 other doctoral students from various countries. She presented her plan of study at the doctoral student seminar as well as at the main conference. Corey also presented alongside her supervisor, Prof. Karen Danylchuk in a workshop titled 'Good Governance in Sport,' where they discussed how leader character can be developed and embedded for good governance in sport.

EASM 2020 will be held from September 16-19 in London, UK. For more information on the conference, please visit the official website .

July 2019

Prof. Danylchuk visits Taiwan 

Prof. Karen Danylchuk was invited by Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (Health Promotion sector) and Ministry of Education (Sports Administration sector) to deliver a workshop on Sport-for-All. The aim of the workshop was to assist Taiwan with the development and facilitation of their 2019 iSports Project. Three other scholars from Germany, South Korea, and Singapore were invited at different times.

深夜福利站 alumna featured on SIRC 

深夜福利站 Sport Management alumna, Dr. Alanna Harman (PhD, 2013; Assistant Professor, Wilfred Laurier University) and Prof. Alison Doherty shared their work on coaches’ psychological contract through .

The article provides an overview of the research as well as tips for managing expectations to ensure an effective coaching environment, and is available on the SIRC website . More information on SIRC can be found .

June 2019

深夜福利站 Sport Management rocks NASSM! 

The 2019 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) conference was held at New Orleans, Louisiana. Several 深夜福利站 Sport Management faculty and students attended the conference and used the platform to share their research.

Prof. Alison Doherty and Dr. Brendan Riggin (Post-Doctoral fellow) presented their work on . Dr. Mac Ross highlighted the approach to in his presentation. Corey Crossan (PhD Student, 2022) and Dr. Cassie Ellis (Post-Doctorate fellow) led an hour-long workshop on . Swarali Patil (PhD Student, 2022) shared her work on the . Poster presentations included Marc St. Pierre (BA (Hons). Candidate and Scholars Elective Student), Prof. Doherty, and Swarali Patil’s work on the , Dr. Laura Misener and her colleagues' work on , and Darda Sales (PhD Student, 2021) and Dr. Laura Misener’s work on . In addition, Prof. Jim Weese was part of an hour-long panel discussion on the .

深夜福利站 was also represented through its alumni such as Dr. Ryan Clutterbuck (PhD, 2018), Dr. Patti Millar (PhD, 2015), Dr. Alanna Harman (PhD, 2013), Dr. Shannon Kerwin (PhD, 2010), Dr. Laura Wood (PhD, 2010), Dr. Katie Misener (PhD, 2009) and more. Details on NASSM and the 2019 program can be found .

Undergraduate students complete their internships 

Fourth year undergraduate students in the Sport Management program have completed their practicums at a variety of sport organizations this year, including the London Sports Council (pictured here), Jeff Fischer & Associates, Sport Tourism London, Room Roster, Sport-Travel, Privit, 深夜福利站 Sport and Recreation Services, Blue Devils Lacrosse, and the YMCA.

Students complete these internships through their Field Experience in Sport Management class led by Prof. Alison Doherty. They intern for 50-hours at a sport organization, which provides them with the invaluable experience of working in sport. Best wishes to the students in their future endeavours!

May 2019

Doctoral student assists Team Canada 

Darda Sales (PhD Student, 2021) was a member of the National Para-Swimming Team from 2000 to 2010. She received an opportunity to give back by serving as the Manager for the team that will represent Canada at the Para Pan Am Games, to be held from August 23 to September 1, 2019 in Lima, Peru.

In her role, Darda traveled with the team to Malaga, Spain for an 8-day training camp where she provided assistance with logistics, organization, and care of the athletes’ needs. Her relationship with the Para-Swimming Program at Swimming Canada has also allowed her to engage in a research project aimed at gaining a better understanding of the para-swimming athletes’ experiences in progressing through the stages of athlete development. All the best, Darda!

Book co-authored by Dr. Laura Misener is published

Dr. Laura Misener has recently co-authored a book titled, "Global Sport Leadership." The book explores the global developments in sport leadership in practice by drawing on the vast and ever-growing leadership literature. The book examines advances in leadership theory and practice in the context of the challenges faced by those working in global sport management positions. It explores various dimensions of leadership, with a particular focus on the development of leadership theory. It also looks at the operational and contextual elements of leadership in a global sport environment and finally reflects on the status quo, and explores future challenges and research opportunities for leadership and global sport management.

More information on the book and options to purchase the text are available . 

April 2019

PhD Program alumna featured on NASSM blog 

(Assistant Professor, University of Windsor) is an alumnus of the School of Kinesiology's PhD program (PhD, 2015). Dr. Millar and Professor Alison Doherty's work has been featured on the North American Society for Sport Management's (NASSM) Blog. The blog piece is titled "Capacity Building: A Comparison of Two Cases" and discusses the differences in outcomes from capacity building efforts between two community level sport organizations. The blog post is available to read on the NASSM website .

March 2019

Prof. Doherty awarded SSHRC Partnership Development Grant 

Professor Alison Doherty has been awarded a three-year SSHRC Partnership Development Grant to investigate "An integrated model for effective youth sport concussion management." The $199,970 grant is enhanced with $85,595 in-kind funding from partners SIRC and the Ottawa Sport Council. The 15-member interdisciplinary team is represented by Bond University, Universite de Montreal, Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic, York University, Ontario Soccer, Parachute, the Coaching Association of Ontario, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Deakin University, and the German Sport University.

Congratulations and best wishes to Prof. Doherty and her research team for the project!

Dr. Misener named Director of School of Kinesiology 

Dr. Laura Misener (Associate Professor) has been named the Director of the School of Kinesiology for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2019. Dr. Jayne Garland (Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences) has welcomed Dr. Misener to the role and congratulated her on her experience, creative spirit, and innovation. Congratulations, Dr. Misener!

Prof. Doherty facilitates a CAAWS workshop

Prof. Alison Doherty facilitated a Women and Leadership workshop on "Leading with Confidence" for two dozen 深夜福利站 Mustangs female varsity athletes on March 3, 2019. During the workshop, the young women engaged in activities and discussions around leadership, building confidence, and the need for more female leaders in sport.

CAAWS stands for the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity. This non-profit organization aims to achieve equity for women in society through the power of sport. CAAWS hosts workshops, webinars, seminars, and conferences, and partners with the government, organizations, and leaders to challenge the status quo and bring about systemic and meangingful changes. More information on CAAWS and its Women in Leadership series is available .

February 2019

MA Candidate enjoys reading week in Colombia

Erika Gray (MA Candidate, 2020) took advantage of the winter term reading week and participated in 深夜福利站's Alternate Spring Break in Chinchina, Colombia. Erika was a co-team leader for a group of undergraduate and graduate students and their aim was to use sport to facilitate a sense of community in the town. The group spent their days playing soccer and basketball and also indulged in-line skating with local grade school students and community clubs. The group also went on a beautiful jungle hike and painted a mural on the walls of the outdoor stadium. Erika had an amazing time in Colombia and highly recommends students and faculty members to be a part of Altnernative Spring Break.

More information on the program is available .

January 2019

Dr. Jim Weese releases a new book 

Dr. Jim Weese has released a new book titled, "The 5C Leader: Exceptional Leadership Practices for Extraordinary Times." For the book, Dr. Weese has taken 100 years of leadership research and theory development, coupled it with his extensive research program, and mixed in his consulting experience and his practical experience. The book is essential reading for anyone interested in learning more about leadership and/or being a more effective leader.

Dr. Weese delivered a faculty-wide seminar on his book at on January 9, 2019. He has also launched a website for the book, and more details about the book and options to purchase it can be found .