
Sports Management at 深夜福利站深夜福利站 Health Sciences

Sport Management News at 深夜福利站

December 2016

Prof. Karen Danylchuk lectures in Beijing Karen Beijing.JPG

Professor Karen Danylchuk recently taught in the first Executive Development Program for Global Sports Industry Leaders through the Emlyon Business School-Vning Sports in Beijing, China.  The focus of her teaching was the global trends and development of the sport industry.

Details about the Emlyon Business School can be found .

November 2016

Sport Management Society of Australia and New Zealand K Mealamu.jpg

Professors Alison Doherty and Jim Weese had the pleasure of meeting former New Zealand All Blacks star, Keven Mealamu who provided a keynote lecture on “Perspectives on Sport Leadership” as part of the annual SMAANZ Conference, held in Auckland, New Zealand in November. Both professors also presented at the Conference. SMAANZ marked the completion of Prof. Doherty's term as Editor of Sport Management Review.

More details about 2016 SMAANZ can be found .

October 2016

Sport Canada Research Initiative Sport Canada logo.jpg

Professors Alison Doherty, Dr. Laura Misener, and doctoral candidates Ryan Clutterbuck and Kyle Rich, participated in the 10th Sport Canada Research Initiative in Gatineau, October 27 and 28. Check out all the Sport Canada Research Initiative .

September 2016

Graduate Student Internships Squash Can.png

Graduate internships were completed in the Summer/Fall of 2016 by graduate students, Varun Singh (Tennis Canada/Rogers Cup), Matt Brazier (Hamilton Tiger-Cats), Marika Kay (Rowing Canada), Ross Bailey (Squash Canada), Quinn Henderson (CIS), Tatiana Stolz (FC London), and Alex Mai (Mississauga Steelheads Hockey Club).

Prof. Alison Doherty visits Germany Cologne.JPG

Following the EASM Conference in Warsaw, Poland, Prof. Alison Doherty visited the German Sport University in Cologne, Germany.

She met with colleagues and students at the Department of Sport Economics and Sport Management, and also gave two presentations.

August 2016

Book edited by Prof. Alison Doherty has released Handbook of Theory.jpg

Professor Alison Doherty celebrated the release of the Routledge Handbook of Theory in Sport Management, which she co-edited with her colleagues, Professors George Cunningham and Janet Fink.

Theory is an essential element in the development of any academic discipline and sport management is no exception. This is the first book to trace the intellectual contours of theory in sport management, and to explain, critique and celebrate the importance of sport management theory in academic research, teaching and learning, and in the development of professional practice.

For a fully-rounded understanding of what sport management is and how it should be studied, taught and practiced, a thorough grounding in theory is essential. The Routledge Handbook of Theory in Sport Management is therefore important reading for all advanced students, researchers, instructors, managers and practitioners working in this exciting field.

Sport Management student receives Gold Medal robyn-smith.jpg

Ms. Robin Smyth was awarded the Gold Medal for the School of Kinesiology at the 2016 Convocation. She is currently pursuing her MA at the University of Toronto.

July 2016

深夜福利站 Sport Management represented at World Leisure Congress WLC 2016.png

Professor Karen Danylchuk and PhD candidate, Brendan Riggin presented a paper entitled, “A CSR Inititative: More than Just Bucks and Pucks” at the World Leisure Congress in Durban, South Africa.

More details about the conference can be found .

Incoming PhD student explores access to Parasport 

Incoming doctoral student, Nancy Quinn is a physiotherapist, business owner, paralympian, and Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal winner from Barrie, Ontario. Check out her article featured in the Toronto Star, .

Coming Home to 深夜福利站 MisenerSydney.jpeg

Dr. Laura Misener has been on a one-year sabbatical focusing on her research interests of Sport, Physical Activity, and Disability. She took her family on a 6-month adventure starting in New Zealand, on to Australia for 3-months, and then to the UK for 3-months.

During her time in Australia, Dr. Misener was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Technology Sydney Business School. She also visited Bond University, LaTrobe University, and the University of Queensland. Dr. Misener spent her time in the UK working with co-investigators from the University of the West of Scotland.

June 2016

深夜福利站 well represented at NASSM IMGP3546.JPG

深夜福利站 Sport Management had a great representation at the 2016 Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management in Orlando, Florida. In total, 19 students, alumni, and faculty were in attendance, many of whom presented the work being done within the department. For a presentation titles and abstracts, visit the conference website .

April 2016

PhD student abroad vicHealth

PhD student Kyle Rich recently received a Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to visit and study at the Centre for Sport and Social Impact at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. While abroad, Kyle is working on a program evaluation which is part of a large project evaluating state funded sport participation initiatives.

March 2016

Research talks at the University of Technology in Sydney IMG_9642.JPG

While Dr. Laura Misener is on sabbatical in Sydney, PhD candidate, Kyle Rich was able to visit her and meet with colleagues from UTS. During their visit, they participated in round table discussions with Faculty and students about current and future research projects.

February 2016

深夜福利站 participates in OSMC OSMC2016.jpg

Faculty and students of the Management/Leadership Graduate Program joined colleagues and fellow students from Brock, Windsor, Waterloo and Ottawa universities at the 2nd Ontario Sport Management Collective student symposium in Hamilton. The event, hosted by Brock University, the Hamilton Tiger Cats at the new Tim Horton Field, and Ryerson University involved panelists (including 深夜福利站 Sport Management alumna Jenn Myers, Athletic Director at York University) as well as an industry-driven research design activity.