Laura Misener, PhD

Director and Professor

Room 3199, HSB
519 661-2111 x8600


  • PhD (Alberta)
  • MHK (Windsor)
  • BHK (McMaster)

Graduate Program Supervision

  • Management and Leadership MA | PhD
  • Sociocultural Studies MA | PhD

Research In Profile

Laura Misener's research focuses on how sport and events can be use as instruments of social change, with an emphasis how sport for persons with a disability can positively impact community accessibility and social inclusion. Her research program is interdisciplinary in nature and pushes the traditional boundaries of her field to emphasize the importance of critical scholarship for innovation. Her work emphasises safe sport practices through good governance, strategic policy making, and an emphasis on human rights and social justice. She serves as a research and policy advisor to a number of disability sport organizations focused on broadening the role of sport in positive social outcomes. Examples of organizations that professor Misener has worked with include the Canadian Paralympic Committee, Commonwealth Games Federation, International Paralympic Committee, Ontario Parasport Collective, and the Greater Toronto Hockey League.

Featured Publications and Projects


  • Misener, L., McPherson, G., McGillivray, D. & Legg, D. (2018). Leveraging Disability Sport Events: Impacts, Promises, and Possibilities. London, UK: Routledge.

Chapters and Entries in Books and Dictionaries

  • Rich, K. & Misener, L., (2022). Playing on the periphery: troubling sport policy, systemic exclusion and the role of sport in rural Canada. In H. Schaillée, R. Haudenhuyse, and L. Bradt, The Potential of Community Sport for Social Inclusion (pp. 126-145).
  • Routledge.Pearson, E. & Misener, L. (2022). Disability, access and inclusion. In, N. Wise (Ed) An introduction to A Research Agenda for Event Impacts. A Research Agenda for Event Impacts. Elgar Publishing.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Misener, L., Rich, K., & *Pearson, E. (2022). Tensions and opportunities in researching social change in sport management. Sport Management Review, 25(2), 323-340.
  • Rich, K., Spaaj, R., & Misener, L., (2021). Theorizing Community for Sport Management Research and Practice. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living.
  • Quinn, N., Misener, L. & Howe, P.D. (2020): All for one and one for all? Integration in high-performance sport. Managing Sport and Leisure, .
  • *Bodin, K. & Misener, L. (2020). Non-mega sport events as sociopolitical projects: A case study of the Canada Games. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(4), 513-529. Doi:

Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.

Current Grants and Research Projects

  • Brittain, I., Misener, L., et al. (2018-2023). EventRights:  Addressing inequality, enhancing diversity and facilitating greater dialogue in the hosting of sporting mega events. European Commission: Research and Innovation ($1.4M)
  • Misener, L, McPherson, G., McGillivray, D. & Legg, D., (2018-2023) : Major Sport Events and Parasport Participation Impacts. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($247K)
  • Misener, L., & Quinn, N. (2022). Developing Parasport Participation in Commonwealth Caribbean Nations. Commonwealth Games Federation ($35K)
  • Misener, L. & Kamyuka, D. (2022-2023). Rethinking Colonial Perspectives of Social Entrepreneurship in Sport. 深夜福利站 Strategic Support for SSHRC Success ($24K)

Featured Graduate Student Projects

  • Quinn, N. (2020) PhD, School of Kinesiology

  • Wasser, K. (2020). PhD, School of Kinesiology

  • Sales, D. (2022). PhD, School of Kinesiology

  • Rich, K. (2017). PhD, School of Kinesiology

  • Purdy, A. (2021) MA, School of Kinesiology

  • Corrigan, B. (2020) MA, School of Kinesiology

  • Pearson, E. (2020) MA, School of Kinesiology

Visit for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.

Opportunities for Graduate Students

I am accepting MA and PhD students interested in studying one or more of the following areas: sport events and social impact, disability sport, sport governance and safe sport practices.

Please email me to discuss options. Funding available.

Additional Information

Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations

Media Highlights

  • Misener, L. (2022). As a former elite gymnast, I know sport needs a cultural shift to ensure athlete safety. . April 3, 2022.
  • Misener (2021). .
  • Smith, M. & Misener, L. (2020). Postponing the Olympics is the right call — curbing the coronavirus pandemic matters more than money. . .
  • March 23, 2020. Canada’s decision regarding 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. CBC Afternoon Drive Interview, CBC Morning Interview.
  • February 13, 2020. .  Also CBC National Interview)
  • October 22, 2018. What can be done to help protect kids in sport? CBC Afternoon Radio Syndication (7 interviews).
  • February 23, 2018. .


  • Glasgow Commonwealth Game Changers Gold Medal (University Research Division), Scottish Parliament
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Recognition of Achievement in Teaching - 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016