


Juno "June" Coan-Brill
MCISc/PhD Student


June (she/her) is a MClSc/PhD student studying Speech and Language Science at 深夜福利站. She obtained her Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Psychology from the University of Victoria in 2022, during which time her Honours research project examined the connection between storytelling and cognition in preschool-aged children. She became drawn to the field of speech-language pathology due to her ongoing interest in the development of language in the early years. At present, her primary research interests include the relationship between cognitive and language development in early childhood and language development in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. June is currently working on a CIHR-funded project to adapt and test the Canadian version of the Computer-Based instrument for Low Motor Language Testing (C-BiLLT), a novel language comprehension assessment tool for children with cerebral palsy that does not require children to use verbal responses or fine motor skills. 

June is funded by a Children's Health Research Institute Trainee Award (2023-24).



Kathryn Hatherly
M.CI.Sc./PhD Candidate


Kathryn is completing a MCISc/PhD in Speech-Language Pathology/Health and Rehabilitation Sciences under the co-supervision of Dr. BJ Cunningham and Dr. Janis Cardy. For her doctoral thesis, Kathryn is studying parent-led interventions for children who are late-to-talk and the influence of the quality of parent-child interaction on intervention outcomes.

Kathryn is funded by a SSHRC doctoral scholarship (2021-24), and was awarded the honorary title to Honour Nelson Mandela.



B.A., M.Cl.Sc. (SLP), Speech-Language Pathologist, Reg. CASLPO
PhD Candidate


Meaghan is a first year Ph.D. Student in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at 深夜福利站. She graduated from UWO with a Master of Clinical Science (SLP) in 2016. Following graduation, Meaghan practiced as a Speech-Language Pathologist in private practice and in school board settings and became a mom to two young boys. Following her experience as a parent of a child who was late-to-talk, Meaghan decided to return to 深夜福利站 to pursue her Ph.D. Her research focuses on uncovering the unique characteristics of late-talking toddlers and their families in order to optimize intervention procedures and mitigate the long-term consequences of pervasive language difficulties. 

Meaghan is funded by a SSHRC doctoral scholarship (2022-26).



Jodi Friesen
Undergraduate Scholar’s Elective Student



Jodi Friesen is a third-year undergraduate student pursuing an Honours Specialization in Linguistics and is part of the Scholar's Electives Program at 深夜福利站. Jodi is hoping to complete a Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology to become a Speech-Language Pathologist. Through this research position, she hopes to gain a better understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methods and begin learning about communication and language disorders.