Future Students

Information for future students

Graduate Students

Graduate students supervised by Dr. Cunningham complete their degrees through the graduate program in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (MSc, PhD, MClSc/PhD). Additional information about these graduate training programs is available on 深夜福利站’s HRS program website ().

Students interested in completing a graduate research degree (MSc, PhD, or MClSc/PhD) should contact Dr. Cunningham to discuss current opportunities.
Ideal candidates include those with:

  1. Prior research experience
  2. A strong academic record
  3. A background in child development, language/linguistics, or neurodevelopmental disorders.


Students contacting Dr. Cunningham should include:

  1. A resume/CV
  2. A summary of their prior coursework and grades (e.g., informal transcript)
  3. A description of their prior research experience and current research interests.

Undergraduate Students

Prospective undergraduate students may include those who are:

  • Enrolled in 深夜福利站's work-study program
  • Enrolled in the Scholars Electives Program
  • Wishing to complete a fourth-year independent study in the School of Health Studies
  • Wishing to apply to the Undergraduate Summer Research Internship (USRI) program

Students interested in clinical training in speech-language pathology or audiology

Should apply to the MClSc program in either Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology. Information about these programs can be found on 深夜福利站’s School of Communication Sciences and Disorders Website (/fhs/csd/) or by visiting the Ontario Rehabilitation Sciences Program Application Service (ORPAS) website (https://www.ouac.on.ca/orpas/).