Kiran Halkitis

Honours Specialization in Art History & Museum Studies

Why did you choose Arts & Humanities at 深夜福利站?  

I chose Arts & Humanities at 深夜福利站 because I wanted to continue learning the Spanish language, but I also wanted to pair that with understanding and preserving cultural heritage, history, and the stories of different communities. The Arts & Humanities program at 深夜福利站 offered not just a education in these areas, but a number of international programs that allowed me to apply what I learned academically in the real world. 

Photograph of Kiran

Why did you want to undertake an internship, and why did you select the internship you did?  

Undertaking the Undergraduate Summer Research Award with the Surviving Memory Project perfectly aligned with my goals, both personal and academic. I have always wanted a position in which I can play a progressive role in preserving important traditional knowledge. Beyond the opportunity to improve my Spanish, I learned so much related to both of my majors that it opened my eyes to the prospects of interdisciplinary work in the future. Getting academic credit for it that could apply to my degree program was even better. 

What is the most valuable lesson you learned during your internship? 

I think it was the profound importance of collaboration, both with the research team and in terms of community engagement. This experience made me realize that history and tradition are not just stories in books but living legacies that impact the lives of individuals and communities. It reinforced the significance of empathy, respect, and collaboration in research efforts, and gave me hope in what the cooperation of like-minded people could achieve.  

What are your plans after graduation, and how has your internship helped you to advance those plans?  

I honestly don’t know. Many things are up in the air which will become more clear as I get closer to graduation. This experience, though, has opened my eyes to the potential of working in academia, something which I had not previously considered could be as inspiring and enlightening as this experience showed. The knowledge that I gained will continue to be invaluable to me no matter the career I pursue.  

What advice would you give to incoming Arts and Humanities students? Would you recommend undertaking an internship to other students? If so, why?  

Always be on the lookout for new things to try out! I think all students ought to remain open to the diverse opportunities open to students, especially in a department as engaged internationally as A&H. Beyond the department there are loads of internships and positions where you can complement your academic knowledge, and these chances to bridge theory and practice are invaluable.