Richard & Beryl Ivey Visual Arts Digital Resource Centre

Located on the second floor of the John Labatt Visual Arts Centre, the Richard & Beryl Ivey Visual Arts Digital Resource Centre supports teaching and research in the Department of Visual Arts by providing instructors and students with access to high-quality teaching resources. We support pedagogical activities in the Department of Visual Arts by facilitating image discovery and digitization.

Included in the Digital Resource Centre collections are films, periodicals, 35mm slides, and over 50,000 digital images.


Kim Neudorf

Digital Resources Technician
VAC 241
519-661-2111  ext. 85212


Monday . 9:00am - 2:30pm
Tuesday . 9:00am - 2:30pm
Wednesday . 9:00am - 2:30pm
Thursday . 9:00am - 1:00pm
Friday . 9:00am - 2:30pm