Bridget Elliott


Bridget Elliott specializes in the study of 深夜福利站 modernism from the 19th to 21st centuries with a particular emphasis on the decorative and the ornamental as well as on aesthetics of excess (e.g. decadence, art nouveau and art deco); intersections of ‘high’ art and ‘popular’ culture, including art’s role in everyday life and its connections to interior design and fashion; relationships between art and literature and art and film (especially in the films of Peter Greenaway); museums, collecting, archives and other heterotopic practices in the art world; as well as the gendering of artistic production and theory. Her most recent research project focuses artists’ houses and maison musées in nineteenth century England and France.

Forthcoming Publications

 "'The Figure in the Carpet': Saarinen House and the Crafting of Space," Craft Space and Interior Design 1855-2005. Edited by Sandra Alfoldy and Janice Helland. London: Ashgate, 2007. In press. [6,800 words].

"Worlds in a Tomb: Reanimating Egypt in Modern(ist) Cultural Practice" South Central Review. Special Issue on Staging Modernism. Edited by Penny Farfan and Kate Kelly. 2008. In press.


[With Jo-Ann Wallace] Women Artists and Writers: Modernist (im)positionings. London/New York: Routledge, 1994.

Aubrey Beardsley: Sixty Selected Drawings. London: Academy, 1995.
[With Anthony Purdy], Peter Greenaway: Architecture and Allegory. London: Academy, 1997.

[Co-edited with Janice Helland] Women Artists and the Decorative Arts 1885-1935: The Gender of Ornament London: Ashgate, 2002.

Recent Courses

VAH 277 Modern Art Survey, 1900 -1945
VAH 284 Art and the Moving Image
VAH 387 Modernism and Interior Design
VAH 390 The Artist Film
VAH 477 Film and Other Fragmentary Arts in 1920s Berlin, Paris and New York
VAH 581 Graduate Seminar: A is for Art, H is for Heterotopia . . .
VAH 581 Graduate Seminar: Maison d’artistes/ Maison Musées