Research Space Booking (Graduate Students and Faculty Only)

Two research study spaces are reserved for faculty members and their graduate students in the School of Health Studies. These spaces require advanced booking (see below) and swipe card access to enter. Too reserve a space, use the links below.

Study rooms are solely for academic purposes directly related to a course, program, or project in 深夜福利站's School of Health Studies and may not be booked on behalf of outside groups or organizations.

Current School of Health Studies graduate students and faculty can book these rooms using their 深夜福利站 ID.

  • Bookings are limited to a maximum of two hours per day, two bookings per day, ten per week.
  • Rooms may be reserved up to two months in advance.
  • Tables/rooms have various technology available - click the blue Info button for more information.

Book A Space

  • (HSB 322)
  • (HSB 408)