About SHS
General Contact Information
Tel: 519-661-4119
Email: shsinfo@uwo.ca
Arthur and Sonia Labatt Health Sciences Building (HSB), Rm. 222
Office Hours
Office hours are Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4 p.m.
About the School of Health Studies
The School of Health Studies is a diverse community of students and professors committed to improving human health around the globe.
Our Mission
Equip tomorrow’s health leaders and global citizens through transformative interdisciplinary research, education, and knowledge mobilization for greater impact. Learn more in our Strategic Plan.
Our Vision
To be a world leader in health research and education.
Our Values
Interdisciplinary • Inclusivity • Innovation • Leadership • Sustainability
Our Strategies
Develop professionals, leaders, and researchers driving change in health and well-being
- Grow programs in innovative and sustainable ways
- Create equitable access to opportunities, as we recruit and retain diverse learners both domestically and internationally
- Ensure students are well prepared for careers through increased Experiential Learning opportunities
- Collaborate with other schools, universities, and faculties for innovative program
- Provide relevant and responsive health education
Research Impact
Extend excellence and impact
- Be leaders in interdisciplinary research
- Building and sustain research capacity through opportunities for faculty and students
- Elevate our research profiles globally
People, Community and Culture
Cultivate a thriving, inclusive, diverse culture for our alumni, students, staff, and faculty
- Promote a dynamic, supportive space and community that integrates principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization, and accessibility practises among alumni, students, staff, and faculty
- Support a vibrant and thriving culture of education, research, and service
- Celebrate the professional development of all
- Build and sustain strong alumni relations
Dynamic Partnerships
Engage in global partnerships to impact health and well-being across the life-course
- Cultivate partnerships with healthcare and community organizations to expand learning and research opportunities
- Develop glocal research and educational models with partners
- Build intentional partnerships with international universities