Andrew Johnson, PhD

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
and Associate Professor

Contact Information


  • BA Hons, MA, PhD (深夜福利站)

Graduate Program Supervision

  • Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |

  • Health and Information Sciences |

Research In Profile

I completed my PhD in Measurement Psychology in 2002, and I am currently appointed to the School of Health Studies.  My early research focus was on information processing speed, particularly as it relates to Parkinson’s disease, and I have always had an interest in diagnostic technology (both psychometric and chronometric). Over time this facilitated a drift in my research interests towards mild traumatic brain injury and concussion.  My current research interests primarily relate to psychosocial features of concussion and Parkinson’s disease.  I have also taught statistics and research methodology at the graduate and undergraduate level for more than 20 years.  This teaching focus has led me to be involved in a wide variety of research projects over the years, which has afforded me with opportunities to acquire experience in an array of qualitative and quantitative analytic techniques.  Finally, I have been heavily invested in academic leadership for approximately 10 years: first as the Chair of the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences program (2012 to 2016), then as the Undergraduate Chair of the School of Health Studies (2017 to 2019), then as the Acting Director of the School of Health Studies (2020 to 2021), and currently as the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs (2021 to present).  This has led me to develop research interests related to those roles (still largely aspirational), including individual differences in help-seeking behaviours.

Featured Publications and Projects


  • Bowerman, B.L., Schermer, J.A., Johnson, A.M., O’Connell, R.T., & Murphree, E.S. (2014). Business Statistics in Practice. Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson
  • Robinson, M.S., Johnson, A.M., Walton, D., MacDermid, J. (2019). A comparison on the polytomous rasch analysis output of RUMM2030 and R (ltm/eRm/TAM/lordif). BMC Medical Research Methodology, 19(36). DOI: 10.1186/12874-019-0680-5.


  • Bassi, H., Lee, C., Misener, L., Johnson, A.M. (2020). Exploring the characteristics of crowdsourcing: An online observational study. Journal of Information Science, 46(3), 291-312. DOI: 10.1177/0165551519828626.
  • Bassi, H., Misener, L., Johnson, A.M. (2020). Crowdsourcing for research: Perspectives from a Delphi Panel. Sage Open, 10(4), 2158244020980751. DOI: 10.1177/2158244020980751.

Parkinson's Disease

  • Reid, H.A., Holmes, J.D., Laliberte Rudman, D., Johnson, A.M. (in press). Representing informal caregivers of older adults in occupation-focused research: A critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of Occupational Science

Caregiver Stress

  • Hamad, E.O., AlHadi, A.N., Tremblay, P.F., Savundranayagam, M.Y., Kinsella, E.A., Holmes, J.D., Lee, C.J., & Johnson, A.M. (2018). Reconstruction of a caregiver burden scale: Exploratory and content analyses to identify culturally sensitive items in Saudi Arabia. Canadian Journal on Aging, 37(2), 1-16. DOI: 10.1017/S071498081800003X


  • Robinson, M., Johnson, A.M., Fischer, L.K., & MacKenzie, H.M. (2022). Two symptoms to triage acute concussions: Using decision tree modeling to predict prolonged recovery following concussion. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 101(2), 135-138. DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001754/

Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.

Current Grants and Research Projects

  • PI: L Alvarez (2021-2024). #dontdrivehigh: Establishing Youth’s Risk Profiles for Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis. CIHR. $255,000.
  • PI: PA Tucker (2019-2023). The impact of an e-Learning physical activity module on Early Childhood Education candidates’ Self-Efficacy and Knowledge: The ECE-SSE Study. SSHRC. $303,509.

Featured Graduate Student Projects

An exploration of the psychosocial consequences of return-to-play and return-to-learn guidelines among adolescents with mild traumatic brain injury.

  • Tichenoff, A. (2020). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Factors that contribute to concussion reporting among CFL players: A grounded theory study.

  • Stephenson, D. (2018). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

An examination of the key characteristics of crowdsourcing as a research method.

  • Bassi, H. (2017). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

A cross-cultural exploration of caregiver stress among caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Hamad, E. (2017). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Enhancing assessment of occupational competency in dementia care: Examination of the cognitive competency test.

  • Zur, B. (2011). PhD, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Visit for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.

Additional Information

Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations

  • Principal Investigator, Health and Human Performance Laboratory,

Professional Activities

  • Member of the
  • Associate Editor of