Abe Oudshoorn, PhD
Acting Associate Dean (Research) and Associate Professor
Room 2304, FNB519 661-2111 x86042
Research In Profile
Abe Oudshoorn is an Associate Professor and Associate Director (Graduate Programs) at The Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, 深夜福利站 and the Arthur Labatt Family Chair in Nursing Leadership in Health Equity. Professor Oudshoorn holds cross appointments with Lawson Health Research Institute and the Department of Psychiatry, 深夜福利站, as well as serving as a member of the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI). Teaching interests include community health, mental health, global health, research methods/statistics, and advanced Nursing theory. His research interests include homelessness prevention, intersectional understandings of homelessness, homelessness globally, program evaluation, health promotion, refugee housing outcomes, critical ethnography, qualitative methods, participatory action research, poverty and health, critical theory, mental health, and others. Professor Oudshoorn’s research informs health and social systems and builds health equity to support housing stability for vulnerable populations. He is also the Managing Editor of the International Journal on Homeless available at and co-led the founding of the journal.
Featured Publications and Projects
Chapters and Entries in Books and Dictionaries
- Oudshoorn, A. & Smye, V.L. (2020). Substance use and community health nursing. In L.L. Stamler, L. Yiu, A. Dosani., Etowa, J., & van Daalen-Smith, C., (Eds.). Community Health
- Oudshoorn, A. & Justrabo, J. (2020). Structural violence in the lives of youth experiencing homelessness. In H. Berman, Richardson, C., Brake, M., & Elliott, K. (Eds.) Everyday violence in the lives of youth in Canada: Speaking out and pushing back. Fernwood Press
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Adu, J., Oudshoorn, A., Van Berkum, A., Pervez, R., Norman, R., Canad, E., Virdee, M., Yosieph, L. & MacDougall, A. (In Press). System transformation to enhance transitional age youth mental health- A scoping review. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
- Carrillo Beck, R., Oudshoorn, A., Szlapinski, J., Pacheco, N., Sabri Laghaei, S., Isard, R., & Marshall, C.A. (2022). Violence and victimization in the lives of persons experiencing homelessness who use methamphetamine: A scoping review. Health and Social Care in the Community.
- Rabiah-Mohammed, F., Hamilton, L., Oudshoorn, A., Bakhash, M.Z., Tarraf, R., Arnout, E., Brown, C., Benbow, S., Elnihum, S., El Hazzouri, M., Esses, V., Theriault, L. (2022). Syrian Refugees’ Experiences of the Pandemic in Canada: Barriers to Integration and Just Solutions. Studies in Social Justice, 6(1), 9-32.
- Oudshoorn, A., Smith-Carrier, T., Hall, J., Forchuk, C., Caxaj, S., Befus, D., Ndayisenga, J.P., & Parsons, C. (2021). Understanding the principle of consumer choice in delivering Housing First. Housing Studies, 39(3). Doi:10.1080/02673037.2021.1912713
- Oudshoorn, A., Forchuk, C., Hall, J., Smith-Carrier, T., & Van Berkum, A. (2018). An evaluation of a Housing First program for chronically homeless women. Journal of Social Inclusion, 9(2), 34-50.
Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Principal Investigator. Designing Canada’s Long-term Affordable Housing Approach, funded by SSHRC Partnership Development
- Principal Investigator. EQUIP Housing: Enacting Culturally Safe Housing Stability for Indigenous Youth Finding Home, funded by Making the Shift- National Centre of Excellence
- Principal Investigator. Settlement in the Midst of a Pandemic, funded by SSHRC Partnership Engage
- Principal Investigator. Making Permanent Supportive Housing Work for Vulnerable Populations, funded by CMHC- NHS Research and Planning Fund
- Co-investigator. Developing a Measure of Thriving Following Homelessness, funded by 深夜福利站 Strategic Support for CIHR Access-Accelerator
- Co-investigator. Supporting the Transition of Persons with mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder Following Homelessness funded by CIHR- Project
- Co-investigator. The MINDS of London-Middlesex: A Community Working Collectively for Youth Mental Health and Well-being, funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation- Seed
Graduate Student Projects
Trauma and Violence-Informed Practices to Care for Syrian Refugee Women in Ontario: A Critical Ethnography
- Al-Hamad, Areej (2022). PhD- FHS, Nursing
- Ezukuse, Vanisa (2021).MSc- FHS, Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
The Discursive Construction of Substance Use and Harm Reduction in Canadian Health Policy.
- Kusdemir, Sibel (2021). MScN- FHS, Nursing.
“Healthcare Heroes” – The Change in Perception of Nurses’ Roles During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Critical Discourse Analysis
- Jones, Stephanie (2021). MScN- FHS, Nursing
Developing Competencies for Public Policy Advocacy: A Comparative Case Analysis
- Lewis, Amy (2020). MScN- FHS, Nursing
Visit for a list of completed student theses and dissertations published in the repository.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Associate Professor (Tenured), School of Nursing, 深夜福利站
- Arthur Labatt Family Chair in Nursing Leadership and Health Equity, School of Nursing, 深夜福利站
- Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, 深夜福利站
- Associate Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute
- Legacy 2020 Centenary Award of Distinction, School of Nursing, 深夜福利站, 2021
- A , 2018
- Canada 150 Medal Recipient for research and advocacy on ending homelessness, 2018
- , 2016
Professional Activities
- Member, Advisory Council, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness
- Member, Action Research Network of the Americas, Health Care ARC
- Partner, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
- Member, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Iota Omicron Chapter
- Member, London Homeless Coalition
- Member, London Community Foundation Housing Action Committee