Program Advising

How We Can Help
- Advice on progression and course selection within your module
- Pre-requisite waiver
- Course substitutions
- Problems with course registration
- Special permissions of the program
- Progression/graduation requirements for Chemistry modules
- Guidance and counselling concerning Chemistry courses
- Appeals related to specific Chemistry courses
All questions and requests should be submitted through the . The same portal should be used for submitting academic appeals to the Undergraduate Chair.
For transfer students, 深夜福利站 credit for "Chemistry 1100A and 1200B" (former courses), when taken together only, is equivalent to the combination of "Chemistry 1301A and 1302A/B" for the purpose of fulfilling Chemistry course prerequisites. Please note, they are only equivalent when both are taken together and are not equivalent to either Chem 1301A/B or Chem 1302A/B on their own.