First Aid Kits and Responders
Locations of First Aid Kits and Responders:
- Third Floor
- Kit Location: Outside ChB 310
- Closest responder: Monica Vasquez (Gillies Lab)
- Second Floor
- Kit Location: Across from ChB 202 and by BGS 2006 (note two lab doors)
- Closest responders in BGS: Justin Lomax (Ragogna Lab); Leslie Kelley (Blaquiere Lab)
- Closest responders in ChB: Mria Chowdhury (Hudson Lab)
- First Floor
- Kit Location: Inside ChB 105 (lounge)
- Closest responders: Chris Levy
- Ground Floor
- Kit Location: Beside ChB 23
- Closest responder: Yang Song
- Ground Floor
- Kit Location: Outside MSA 0216 (NMR lab)
- Closest responder: Yang Song and Matthew Willans
- Lower Ground Floor
- Kit Location: Outside ChB 090 (old chemistry addition)
- Closest responder: Shan Jiang
- Basement
- Kit Location: Outside ChB 023 (electronics shop)
- Closest responder: Yuhua Chen (ChemBioStores)
First Aid Kits should be inventoried once a month by the responder. Requests for supplies for restocking should be sent to Chris Levy (, who will forward them to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).