Professor Emeritus Hunter Named 2019 Vanguard Innovator
Professor Emeritus Duncan Hunter is named the 2019 Vanguard Innovator of the Year for his work in developing the anticancer drug Azedra.
Chemistry professor emeritus Duncan Hunter embodies the perseverance it takes for academic pharmaceutical development, but his multi-decade endeavor resulted in a successful anti-cancer drug, Azedra, for treating adrenal cancer. Adrenal cancer is considered an orphan disease because there is unlikely to be enough income from a drug for a company to cover its research and development expenses. Basic research such as that funded by NSERC Discovery Grants provided the underpinnings for this breakthrough. The Vanguard Innovator of the Year award is presented by .
Congratulations on a well-deserved award, Duncan!
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Our 2018 news story announcing FDA approval is here.