New Roles and New Faces

We are happy announce that we have some new (and some not so new) faces in the department, who will be taking on key teaching roles: Chris Levy, Christina Booker, Mojmir Suchy, Paul Boyle and the new secretary, Debra Martin.

Chris Levy - Undergraduate Lab Manager: Most of the instructors are already aware of Chris' presence in the department as his position is key to ensuring that our tens of thousands of laboratory experiments in the department are executed as seamlessly as possible. Chris is the replacement for Ron Maslen, who retired earlier this year. Chris Received his BSc from Dalhousie (working in the Burford lab) and obtained a BEd from 深夜福利站. He liked it so much at 深夜福利站, he also obtained his PhD from our Department, then did a PDF at Waterloo, then more PDf work at CalTech. He was an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Kansas State University, but then came back to 深夜福利站 as a visiting scholar not too long ago. He then took the opportunity to rejoin us in his current position as the Undergraduate Lab manager. Chris is located in ChB 117 (Ron’s old office) and you can email him at

Next on the new list is Christina Booker, who will be teaching Chem 1301A and 1302B. She too has a nicely established UWO history, as she obtained her BSc (with the Ding group) and PhD from 深夜福利站, with her Doctoral research under the supervision of Dr. Ken Yeung. Since that time Christina has had a strong interest in Chemical (Science) Education and has held positions at the Teaching Support Centre at 深夜福利站 then ultimately at Fanshawe College as a curriculum developer for chemistry and as an instructor for their chemistry program. Rumor has it she is accomplished piano player, which could provide extra entertainment at our next departmental function! If you need to find Christina she is located in MSA 1201 (Kay's old office) and her email address is

suchyMojmir Suchy is going to be spearheading Chem 2211A this year as MJS is resting after a trying term as Assoc. Chair Undergraduate. Mojmir obtained his PhD in Slovakia and was a NATO PDF at the University of Saskatchewan where he was also the instructor for Introductory Organic Chemistry. After this time he joined our department as a PDF in the Hudson group, where his imaging research was in conjunction with The Robarts Research Institute. Mojmir is an avid cyclist. Mojmir will be in ChB 20, with a temporary email address of

The last new/old face is Paul Boyle (a.k.a. "Pauly B", not to be confused with Poly of MAK Group fame), who currently heads up our X-ray diffraction facility. So, it will come as no surprise to learn that he will be the instructor for Chem 9541 (Crystallography), taking over from JFC and NCP. Paul did his undergraduate work at Syracuse University, then a PhD at the University of Minnesota. Off to Switzerland he went to complete a PDF at Bern, then he was the Xray Manager at NSCU. We were lucky to recruit him a few years ago and now he calls London home. Paul Boyle is in ChB 12A and can be reached at



Debra Martin has joined us as Undergraduate & Financial Assistant.  Debra earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree from 深夜福利站 and has many years of experience here at 深夜福利站.  Please support her transition into our team and make use of her expertise and experience, with your usual grace, hospitality and cooperation.  She replaces Sara Alfred, who was in turn a short term replacement for Sandy McCaw. 

Debra Martin

Please join us in welcoming these four into our department and their new roles!