
Board of Governors - APPENDIX II - June 28, 2000



1. Siting Approval - SuperBuild Projects and New Residences

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve preliminary siting for SuperBuild projects and two potential sites for one residence on the UWO campus as described in Annex 1 [Not available in electronic form for the Web]


At the April 27th, 2000, meeting of the Board of Governors, preliminary site recommendations for the future construction of SuperBuild projects and two residences were presented for information. During the months of April and May consultation was carried out with members of the public and members of the University community as well as alumni. At the consultation sessions, the fact sheet and drawings were presented as information packages. As a result of this consultation process and input from various constituencies, the proposed preliminary sitings, as shown on the drawings, are submitted for approval. Subject to discussions with the ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Day Care Centre and others, the first residence may be constructed on one of the two proposed sites. As detailed design progresses, more specific siting and conceptual plans for the buildings will be brought forward for approval on an individual basis.

Timing and completion dates for the various projects and the approximate size of the buildings are identified on the fact sheet contained in Annex 1 [Not available in electronic form for the Web.]

2. Bank of Montreal Professorship - Revisions

Recommended: That the Property and Finance Committee approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the revised terms of reference for the Bank of Montreal Professorship as detailed in Annex 2.


The "Bank of Montreal Professorship in Money and Finance" established in 1990 was subsequently renamed the "Bank of Montreal Professorship" in 1995. The terms of reference have otherwise not changed since 1990.

The principal changes proposed at this time are:

• The introduction has been expanded to provide background information about the Professorship and to note that the academic focus of the Professorship continues to be in the fields of money and finance when the Bank of Montreal Professorship resides in that Department.

• In section 1, the amount of the annual allocation for spending that may be used to supplement the basic salary of the appointee has been increased from 10% to 50%.

• The financial references in sections 1 and 2 have been made consistent with the University's Investment Payout Policy.

• Whereas an appointment to the Professorship was renewable, it will be non-renewable in the future (section 3).

• The requirement that the appointee have tenure for at least five years at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ or elsewhere has been removed from section 4.

As well, the terms of reference have been updated to recognize the change in the name of the Business School and its administrative structure (i.e., in the composition of the selection committee).

3. Faculty Fellowships

The following are proposed under the guidelines provided in - Funding of Designated Faculty Fellowships.

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the following Faculty Fellowships:

The Paul Desmarais/London Life Faculty Fellowship in Finance in the Richard Ivey School of Business, as detailed in Annex 3-A

The MBA Class of '79 Faculty Fellowship in the Richard Ivey School of Business, as detailed in Annex 3-B.

The MBA Class of '89 Faculty Fellowship in the Richard Ivey School of Business, as detailed in Annex 3-C.

The Donald G. and Elizabeth R. Ness Estate Faculty Fellowship in Entrepreneurship in the Richard Ivey School of Business, as detailed in Annex 3-D.

4. Post-Doctoral Fellowships

The following are governed by the Policies and Procedures for Post-Doctoral Fellows, .

Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the following Post-Doctoral Fellowships:

The EJLB Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Faculty of Engineering Science, as described in Annex 4-A.

The George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Department of History, Faculty of Social Science, as described in Annex 4-B.


1. Book Store Addition, University Community Centre

The Property & Finance Committee has approved the construction of an addition for the Book Store in the University Community Centre at a cost of up to $3.0 million.(1)

The Book Store serves the University community needs for textbooks as well as other retail books and materials in a high-volume operation. The facility was built in the late 1970s and the space does not suit current needs. In addition, with the increased enrolment resulting from the double cohort and other demographic factors, the need to expand the Book Store and some Food Services space will be more acute.

Based on a preliminary space program that has been completed for the Book Store, the project will involve the construction of a one storey extension to the building (with provisions to add a second floor) of approximately 12,000 square feet made up of 2,200 sq. ft. for Food Services and 9,750 for the Book Store.

Attached are preliminary sketches (Annex 5-A unavailable in electronic form for the Web) showing an addition to the University Community Centre that could provide a prominent site for the Book Store on the "concrete beach". This plan will be refined by a Design Team that will be selected in the near future.

Also attached is a table (Annex 5-B unavailable in electronic form for the Web) containing the budget plan to finance the addition. The cost of the project and operating expenses will be covered by the Division of Housing and Ancillary Services and will not be covered by the University operating or capital budget. The rationale for the proposed expansion is elaborated on in the submission provided by the Director of the UWO Book Store (Annex 5-C).

Rehabilitation of the remainder of the concrete beach will be carried out and funded from occupancy revenues in the University capital budget.

The budget model will be reviewed and a more detailed design will be presented prior to the calling of tenders and a construction contract is awarded. It is proposed to complete the project by July 2001.

2. Elborn College Addition and Renovations

The Property & Finance Committee has approved the construction of an addition and renovations to Elborn College for the National Centre for Audiology and the Faculty of Health Sciences at a cost of up to $2.52 million. The project came about as a result of funding for the National Centre for Audiology from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation.

The National Centre for Audiology set forth by Dr. Jamieson and his colleagues at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ will provide Canada with a first-class research and resource centre for the University and its corporate partners. The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders already houses a significant number of faculty with impressive research and scholarly records. With the establishment of the new PhD program in Rehabilitation Sciences, their student body and faculty will grow over the next few years. The National Centre will become a resource not only for graduate students and faculty but also for industry and other institutions. Additional space is needed.

This project will involve the construction of an addition for an anechoic chamber of approximately 2,000 sq. ft., renovations of audiology labs, and an addition of a second floor. Other renovations throughout the building are required to properly house other faculty members.

Preliminary plans are shown on the attached drawings (Annex 6). The preliminary budget is also attached.These are not available in electronic form for the Web.

The sources of funding of the project are as follows:

Any expenditures beyond this budget will be covered by the Faculty of Health Sciences budget or through fundraising by the Faculty.

Construction will start this summer and be completed in the Spring of 2001.

3. Preliminary Unaudited Financial Results for 1999-2000

See Annex 7. Not available in electronic form for the Web.

4. Report on Investments

See Annex 8.

5. Quarterly Ratio Report on Non Endowed Funds

See Annex 9. Not available for the Web.

6. Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards, Prizes

See Annex 10.

7. Report on Environmental and/or Safety Incidents

Steam Line Break - Tunnel Adjacent to Thames Hall

During the noon hour on Wednesday, the 31st of May a thunderstorm created a power outage at the University Power Plant. This outage resulted in the boiler in the Power Plant tripping off and the steam flow from the Power Plant reduced due to a reduction in pressure. As the boiler was restarted water hammer occurred in the steam supply piping causing the piping to move in a violent manner. This caused a steam trap pipe to shear off. Steam escaped into the tunnel system between Thames Hall, Engineering and the Law Building. Large volumes of steam were released in the tunnel system. There were no injuries associated with the incident. The steam line was quickly isolated and repairs were effected by Friday, the 2nd of June.

1. Policy 2.15 accords authority to Property & Finance to approve construction projects with total budgets estimated to be less than $5 million.