
Board of Governors, June 28, 2000 - APPENDIX II, Annex 10



New Scholarship and Award Conditions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property & Finance Committee has approved the following terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, awards, and prizes.

Canada Newswire Entrance Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Journalism)

Awarded to a full-time graduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Graduate Studies entering the Master's in Journalism program based on academic achievement (minimum 80% admission average). The recipient will be selected by the Faculty of Information and Media Studies Scholarships and Awards Committee. No application is required. This scholarship was made possible by a generous donation from Canada NewsWire Inc.

Value: 1 at $2,500 annually for 5 years only
Effective May 2000 to April 2005

MBA '89 Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, MBA)

Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program in the Richard Ivey School of Business based on academic excellence, demonstrated financial need and leadership ability. The award will be renewed for year two upon completion of year one if the student maintains the criteria stated herein. If a student does not meet this requirement, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this award. Applications can be obtained from the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed by May 1. The MBA Scholarship Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will select the award recipient. This award is made possible through funding provided by the MBA Class of 1989.

Value: 1 at $5,000 (MBA year 1 and MBA year 2)
Effective May 2000

Great West Life MBA Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies, MBA)

Awarded to a student entering the first year of the MBA program in the Richard Ivey School of Business based on academic excellence (minimum GPA of 3) and demonstrated leadership ability. The scholarship will be renewed for year two upon completion of year one if the recipient achieves a grade average in the top half of the class. If a student does not meet this requirement, year two students will have an opportunity to apply for this scholarship. The MBA Awards Committee of the Richard Ivey School of Business will review applications and select the scholarship recipient. Application forms for these scholarships are available from the Admissions Office of the Richard Ivey School of Business and must be completed by May 1. This scholarship is made possible as a result of a generous donation from Great West Life.

Value: 1 at $6,250

Effective May 2004

Roger Migneron Memorial Travel Awards (Faculty of Science, Applied Mathematics; Faculty of Graduate Studies, Applied Mathematics)

Awarded to full-time Masters or Doctoral students, or full-time undergraduate students in the fourth year of an Honors program, in the Department of Applied Mathematics. Awards will be based on academic achievement (minimum 78% for graduate students) and will enable students to travel to and attend scholarly conferences and institutes to advance their knowledge and capabilities in this field of study. The recipient(s) will be selected by the Chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics from recommendations made by the Graduate and Undergraduate Committees of the Department of Applied Mathematics. Preference will be given to students studying Theoretical Physics. Applications can be obtained from the Department and will be accepted throughout the year. These awards were established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Ina Pakkert Migneron (BA '71, DIPAC '72, MA'79), and the friends and colleagues of Roger Migneron to attract outstanding full time Masters, Doctoral or fourth year Undergraduate students to the Department.

Value: Number and value of awards will vary annually to a total of $1,650 or more as funds permit

Effective May 2001

John Belk Memorial Award (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in Medicine entering his or her fourth year, who has completed at least one orthopaedic elective, declares an interest in orthopaedic surgery, and demonstrates financial need. Applications can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by October 31. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by donations from friends and family in memory of John Belk.

Value: $200

Effective May 2000

This award is supported in part by matched funds from the Province of Ontario through OSOTF.

Kristin Brady Memorial Prize (Faculty of Arts, English)

Awarded to a top graduating student in Honors English Language and Literature or Combined Honors English Programs, usually the student with highest standing in fourth-year English Honors courses. Adjudicated with reference to academic achievement and also financial need. Selection will be made by the Chair of the Department of English (or designate) in consultation with Financial Aid Services. This prize was made possible by the generosity of many individuals in memory of Professor Kristin M. Brady, until her death in 1998 an admired teacher and scholar in the Department of English.

Value: $200

Effective May 1999

This prize is supported in part by funds from the Province of Ontario through the OSOTF program

Dean's Prizes in Education (5) (Faculty of Education)

Awarded to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education whose activities have enhanced the life of the Faculty for their fellow students. Students must demonstrate a strong record of extra-curricular activities and a strong record of academic merit. Students will be nominated for this prize by the Dean, the Associate Dean (Program), Preservice Chair or any faculty member. The recipient will be selected by a committee in the Faculty of Education. This prize was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by gifts from Education alumni.

Value: 5 at $100 annually

Effective May 2000

Doug Needham Memorial OSOTF Bursaries (Faculty of Social Science, History)

Awarded to a student in any year of history who demonstrates financial need, and who is from the City of London or the County of Middlesex. These bursaries were made possible by a generous donation from the family of Doug Needham HBA '83 - History.

Value: 3 at $500

Effective May 1999 [Awarded retroactively so that 6 at $500 can be given in 2000-2001]

These bursaries are supported in part by funds from the Province of Ontario through the OSOTF program

深夜福利站 Alumni "Go Global" Awards in Arts (Faculty of Arts)

Awarded annually on a competitive basis to full time undergraduate students registered in the Faculty of Arts who have been selected to participate on an official UWO International Exchange. Preference will be given to students going on exchange for a full academic year. Applicants for this award will be evaluated on excellence in their academic record, demonstrated extra-curricular involvement and an essay. Recipients will be chosen by a committee consisting of the University Exchange Coordinator and the Dean or designate of the Faculty of Arts. Applications are available at the Exchange Office, Centre for New Students, Rm. 65, Stevenson-Lawson Bldg. and must be completed and returned by April 1. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: Up to 2 at $2000 annually, only as funds permit

Effective May 2000

深夜福利站 Alumni "Go Global" Awards in Social Science (Faculty of Social Science)

warded annually on a competitive basis to full time undergraduate students registered in the Faculty of Social Science who have been selected to participate on an official UWO International Exchange. Preference will be given to students going on exchange for a full academic year. Applicants for this award will be evaluated on the basis of academic excellence and on their contributions to the University community. Recipients will be chosen by a committee consisting of the University Exchange Coordinator and the Dean or designate of the Faculty of Social Science. Applications are available at the Exchange Office, Centre for New Students, Rm. 65, Stevenson-Lawson Bldg. and must be completed and returned by April 1 along with a short essay. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

Value: Up to 2 at $2000 annually, only as funds permit.

Effective May 2000

深夜福利站 Alumni "Go Global" Awards in Science (Faculty of Science)

Awarded annually on a competitive basis to full time undergraduate students registered in the Faculty of Science who have been selected to participate on an official UWO International Exchange. Preference will be given to students going on exchange for a full academic year. Applicants for this award will be evaluated on excellence in their academic record, demonstrated extra-curricular involvement and an essay. Recipients will be chosen by a committee consisting of the University Exchange Coordinator and the Dean or designate of the Faculty of Science. Applications are available at the Exchange Office, Centre for New Students, Rm. 65, Stevenson-Lawson Bldg. and must be completed and returned by April 1. Established through Foundation 深夜福利站

Value: Up to 2 at $2000 annually, only as funds permit

Effective May 2000

深夜福利站 Alumni "Go Global" Award in Law (Faculty of Law)

Awarded annually on a competitive basis to a full time undergraduate student registered in the Faculty of Law who has been selected to participate on an official UWO International Exchange. Preference will be given to students going on exchange for a full academic year. Applicants for this award will be evaluated on excellence in their academic record, demonstrated extra-curricular involvement and an essay. Recipients will be chosen by a committee consisting of the University Exchange Coordinator and the Dean or designate of the Faculty of Law. Applications are available at the Exchange Office, Centre for New Students, Rm. 65, Stevenson-Lawson Bldg. and must be completed and returned by April 1.

Value: 1 at $2000

Effective May 2000 only

深夜福利站 Alumni "Go Global" Award in Engineering Science (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Awarded annually on a competitive basis to a full time undergraduate student registered in the Faculty of Engineering Science who has been selected to participate on an official UWO International Exchange. Preference will be given to students going on exchange for a full academic year. Applicants for this award will be evaluated on excellence in their academic record, demonstrated extra-curricular involvement and an essay. Recipients will be chosen by a committee consisting of the University Exchange Coordinator and the Dean or designate of the Faculty of Engineering Science. Applications are available at the Exchange Office, Centre for New Students, Rm. 65, Stevenson-Lawson Bldg. and must be completed and returned by April 1.

Value: 1 at $2000

Effective May 2000 only

Master Insulators' Association of Ontario Bursary in Mechanical Engineering (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student enrolled in any year in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering Science who demonstrates financial need. This bursary was made possible by a generous donation from The Master Insulators' Association of Ontario Inc. in support of Mechanical Engineering.

Value: 1 at $500, biennially or as funds permit

Effective May 2000

Sylvia Cann Memorial Awards (2) (Faculty of Education)

Awarded to a student graduating with a Bachelor of Education degree from the Primary/Junior program based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to students from the City of Scarborough or County of Huron. Selection of the recipient will be made by the Associate Dean (Program) in the Faculty of Education in consultation with a committee. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Christina Jolly.

Value: 2 at $500

Effective May 2000

Chemistry Alumni Award (Faculty of Science, Chemistry)

Awarded to an undergraduate student in year 4 of the Honors Chemistry program based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to students not in receipt of any other award or scholarship. This award was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by John Newton Moore (BSc '63, MBA '69).

Value: $1,000

Effective May 2001

Chemistry Alumni Scholarship (Faculty of Science, Chemistry)

Awarded to an undergraduate student in year 4 of an Honors or Combined Honors Chemistry program based on academic achievement (minimum 80%). This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by John Newton Moore (BSc '63, MBA '69).

Value: $1,600

Effective May 2001

J. Stanley and Muriel Hill Scholarship (Faculty of Health Sciences, Kinesiology)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in year 2 Kinesiology who obtains the highest overall academic average in year 1 (Kin 021 plus the equivalent of four full-year courses). In even years, the scholarship will be given to a student in the Honors BA program in Kinesiology and in odd years it will be given to a student in the Honors BSc program in Kinesiology. If the student who qualifies is already receiving an award or scholarship of a higher value at the time of selection, the next student meeting the criteria shall receive this scholarship. Selection will be made by the School of Kinesiology. This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by J. Stanley (MA '69) and Muriel Hill.

Value: $500

Effective May 2000

John and Emily Kidd Continuing Scholarship (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering the first year of medicine in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry based on academic achievement. This is a continuing scholarship. The recipients of the scholarships must adhere to other conditions for retention of continuing scholarships as determined by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. If a student does not qualify for the scholarship for any reason, the scholarship will be given to another student in the same cohort and it will be considered a continuing scholarship with all the requirements as outlined therein. This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by a generous bequest from Dorothy Jean Kidd (BA '36) in honour of her parents, Dr. John Kidd (MD '09) and Mrs. Emily May Kidd, (RN).

Value: 1 continuing award paid annually, Year 1 $1,500, Year 2 $2,000, Year 3 $2,500, Year 4 $3,000

Effective May 2000

London District Canadian Physiotherapy Association Bursary (Faculty of Health Sciences)

[To be reinstated: Discontinued in Feb 2000, but should not have been.]

Available to any student in the Physical Therapy program at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. The bursary will be awarded on the basis of financial need.

Scholarship and Award Revisions

On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Property & Finance Committee has approved the following revisions to the terms of reference for new scholarships, bursaries, awards, and prizes.

United States Alumni Entrance Scholarship (Any undergraduate faculty; Faculty of Graduate Studies)

Change in criteria from: Awarded annually to a first year student who is both a citizen and a full-time resident of the United States on the basis of high academic standing and faculty of intended registration. This scholarship is made possible by donations from alumni from the United States.

To: Awarded annually to a student who is entering the first year of a full-time graduate or undergraduate program who is both a citizen and a full-time resident of the United States on the basis of high academic standing (minimum 80%). Preference will be given to undergraduate students. If an undergraduate student is not available, a graduate student will be selected by the Graduate Awards Committee of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. This scholarship is made possible through Foundation 深夜福利站 by donations from alumni living in the United States.

Change in Value from: 1 at $2,000 US$

To: 1or more at $3,000, as funds permit

Effective May 2000

Nelson M. Davis Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies, MBA)

Change in value from: $6,000 to $6,250

Effective May 2000

Canadian Corporate News Graduate Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Journalism)

Change in name to: International Teledata Group Scholarship

Effective May 1999

Marilyn Ernest Scholarship (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)

Change in criteria from: Awarded to a student entering fourth year of Occupational Therapy who

has demonstrated excellence in both academic and clinical courses during the two previous school years. The recipient will be selected by the Chair of the Department of Occupational Therapy acting on the advice of the Awards Committee. The Committee will consider the following: 1. The cumulative total of the field work courses prior to entering year four, 2. The academic average over years two and three, and 3. Field work and academic average in years two and three, to be considered equally. The student receiving this scholarship may not receive from Applied Health Sciences an award of higher monetary value.

To: Awarded to a full-time graduate student entering the final year of the MCISc Occupational Therapy program who has demonstrated excellence in both academic and fieldwork courses during the previous two years. The recipient will be selected by the Director of the School of Occupational Therapy acting on the advice of the Awards Committee. The committee will consider the following: 1) The cumulative total of the field work courses prior to entering session six of year two, 2) The academic average over year 1. Fieldwork and academic average in years one and two to be considered equally. The student receiving this scholarship may not receive an award of higher monetary value from the Faculty of Health Sciences. This scholarship was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Marilyn Ernest-Conibear.

Value remains at $1500

Effective May 1999

Marilyn Conibear Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)

Change in criteria from: Awarded annually to a full-time student in the School of Occupational

Therapy who demonstrates financial need. This bursary will alternate between undergraduate and graduate students. This fund was established through Foundation 深夜福利站. Recipient must meet OSOTF eligibility criteria.

To: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in year 2 of the MCISc Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need and meets OSOTF guidelines. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Marilyn Ernest-Conibear.

Value remains at $500.

Effective May 1999

This bursary is supported by matched funds from the Province of Ontario through the OSOTF program.

Ronald and Gladys Richardson Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)

Change in criteria from: Available to a second-year Occupational Therapy student who has demonstrated financial need. (This fund was established through Foundation 深夜福利站.)

To: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in year 2 of the MCISc Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 by Ronald and Gladys (BA '40) Richardson.

Value remains at $500.

Effective May 1999

Arlene Shimeld Bursary (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)

Change in criteria from: Awarded to a student in the School of Occupational Therapy who demonstrates financial need. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站.

To: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in year 1 of the MCISc Occupational Therapy program who demonstrates financial need and meets OSOTF guidelines. Applications can be obtained from the School of Occupational Therapy and must be submitted by September 30. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This bursary was established through Foundation 深夜福利站 in honour of Arlene Shimeld by Marilyn Ernest Conibear.

Value remains at $500.

Effective May 1999

This bursary is supported by matched funds from the Province of Ontario through the OSOTF program.

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Book Award (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)

Change in criteria from: Awarded to the fourth year Occupational Therapy student carrying a full course load with the highest average in Occupational Therapy theory courses throughout all years of the program.

To: Awarded to an upper year graduate student in the MCISc Occupational Therapy program carrying a full course load with the highest average in Occupational Therapy theory (excluding fieldwork) courses throughout all years of the program. The School of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual.

Value: $500

Effective May 1999

Smith and Nephew Award in Occupational Therapy (Faculty of Graduate Studies, Occupational Therapy)

Change in criteria from: Awarded annually to a student graduating from Occupational Therapy who has demonstrated the most promise in the advancement of the profession of Occupational Therapy. This award will be presented to the candidate who has demonstrated innovative and creative contributions and who has maintained good academic performance. The Department of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual.

To: Awarded annually to a student graduating from the MCISc Occupational Therapy program who has demonstrated the most promise in the advancement of the profession of Occupational Therapy. This award will be presented to the candidate who has demonstrated innovative and creative contributions and who has maintained good academic performance (minimum 78% average). The Department of Occupational Therapy Awards Committee will identify the most deserving individual. This award is made possible by the generosity of Smith & Nephew.

Effective May 1999

Scotiabank Continuing Awards (12) (Faculty of Graduate Studies, MBA)

Change in name to: Scotiabank Continuing MBA Awards (3)

Change in number and value from: 12 at $10,000 each

To: 3 at $10,000, continuing for 2 years

Effective May 2000

The Fasken, Campbell and Godfrey Scholarship (Faculty of Law)

Change in name to: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Scholarships (3)

Change in terms from: Awarded to students who stand 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the first year of the LLB program. Established by the generosity of Fasken, Campbell Godfrey.

To: Awarded to students who stand 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the first year of the LLB program. Established by the generosity of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.

Fasken, Campbell and Godfrey Prize in International Business Transactions (Faculty of Law)

Change in name to: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Prize in International Business Transactions

Add to criteria: Established through the generosity of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.

Fasken Campbell Godfrey Award in Administrative Law (Faculty of Law)

Change in name to: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin Award in Administrative Law

Change in criteria from: Awarded to the student achieving the highest standing in administrative Law. Established through the generosity of Fasken Campbell Godfrey.

To: Awarded to the student achieving the highest standing in administrative Law. Established through the generosity of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.

Miller Thomson Award (Faculty of Law)

Change in title and add to criteria:

Miller, Thomson, Wickens and Lebaw Award

匛stablished through the generosity of Miller, Thomson, Wickens and Lebaw LLP.

The Miller Thomson Award in Labour Law (Faculty of Law)

Change in title and add to criteria:

Miller, Thomson, Wickens and Lebaw Award in Labour Law

匛stablished through the generosity of Miller, Thomson, Wickens and Lebaw LLP.

Miller Thomson Foundation Scholarship (Faculty of Law)

Change in title and add to criteria:

Miller, Thomson, Wickens and Lebaw Foundation Scholarship

匛stablished through the generosity of Miller, Thomson, Wickens and Lebaw LLP.

Richard Ivey Foundation Continuing Awards in Environmental Engineering (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Change in number from 2 at $2,500

To : 3 at $2,500

Effective May 2000

Centennial Orthodontic and Paediatric Dentistry Awards (2) (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)

Change in value from: a plaque

To: $100 and a plaque

Effective May 2000

City of St. Thomas/ Colin McGregor Memorial Scholarships (2) (Any undergraduate faculty)

Change in terms from: Awarded annually based on highest academic average to a male student and a female student from St. Thomas, Ontario who are entering first year studies in any faculty. Students must be full-time and have a minimum 80% average. These scholarships were created by the City of St. Thomas in memory of Colin McGregor, a City of St. Thomas Police Constable who was killed in the line of duty on May 7th, 1934.

To: Awarded annually based on highest academic average to a male student and a female student who are from the City of St. Thomas, Ontario and are entering first year studies in any faculty. Students must be full-time and have a minimum 80% average. Recipients will be selected in consultation with officials in the City Clerk's office, City of St. Thomas. These scholarships were created by the City of St. Thomas in memory of Colin McGregor, a City of St. Thomas Police Constable who was killed in the line of duty on May 7th, 1934.

Henry Wu Memorial Scholarships (Faculty of Health Sciences; Any undergraduate faculty)

Change in terms from: Awarded annually to six full-time undergraduate students who are registered in the Faculty of Health Sciences in any year beyond year one. Students must demonstrate high academic achievement (minimum 80% average) and leadership qualities, and must be a current member of an intercollegiate athletic team. Applicants must be in compliance with current OUAA, OUIAA and CIAU regulations. Applications are available from the Office of the Registrar and must be submitted by October 31. These scholarships were created to encourage and recognize overall excellence in students by David Wu (The Athletic Club of London) in loving memory of his grandfather Henry Wu.

To: Awarded annually to full time undergraduate students who are registered in any year beyond year one. At least five (5) of the qualifying students must be registered in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Students must demonstrate high academic achievement (min. 80%) and leadership qualities, and must be current members of an intercollegiate athletic team. Applicants must be in compliance with current OUA and CIAU regulations. These scholarships were created to encourage and recognize overall excellence in students. Students must apply for these scholarships through the Office of the Registrar. Their application form must be accompanied by a short (maximum 500 word ) essay describing the student's overall leadership skills. Application deadline is September 30. Final selection will be made by the Scholarships Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences. These scholarships were made possible by a generous donation from David Wu (The Athletic Club of London) in loving memory of his grandfather, Henry Wu.

Change in value from: 6 at $1500 each

To: 6 at $1,500 in 1999-2000 & 2000-2001

7 at $1,500 in 2002-2003

6 at $1,500 in 2003-2004 & 2004-2005

7 at $1,500 in 2005-2006

6 at $1,500 in 2006-2007 & 2007-2008

7 at $1,500 in 2009

Horace and Clarice Wankel Memorial Award (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)

Change in value from: 1 at $200

To: 2 at $300, effective May 1999 only

1 at $300, effective May 2000 and thereafter

Keith and Greta Thompson Research Award (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Medicine)

Change in value from $50 to $300

Effective May 1999

Jock Tindale Memorial Award (Faculty of Engineering Science, Richard Ivey School of Business)

Change value from: up to $2,500

To: the annual award value will vary up to $2,500 as funds permit

Effective May 2000

Joseph A. and Leah H. Rawson Music Admission Scholarship (Faculty of Music)

Change in criteria from: A continuing scholarship awarded to a student, preferably of piano, entering the first year of a music program, who is not the recipient of any other University scholarship or award. Established through the generosity of Joseph A. and Leah H. Rawson.

To: Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering the first year of a music program who achieves a minimum average of 80%. Preference will be given to a student in Piano. The student will continue to receive this scholarship as long as he or she continues to meet the criteria outlined. If the student fails to retain the scholarship, another student from the same cohort will be selected. This scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from Mrs. Leah Rawson.

Effective May 2000

Josiah and Sarah Hoover Music Admission Scholarship (Faculty of Music)

Change in criteria from: A continuing scholarship awarded to a student, preferably of piano, entering the first year of a music program, who is not the recipient of any other University entrance scholarship or award. Established by Leah Hoover Rawson, in memory of her parents.

To: Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student entering the first year of a music program who achieves a minimum average of 80%. Preference will be given to a student in Piano. The student will continue to receive this scholarship as long as he or she continues to meet the criteria outlined. If the student fails to retain the scholarship, another student from the same cohort will be selected. This scholarship is made possible by a generous donation from Mrs. Leah Rawson in honour of her parents.

Ralph and Lorna Brooke Bursary (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)

Change in value from $500 to $800

Effective May 2000

Arthur S. Coveart Engineering Scholarship (Faculty of Engineering Science)

Change in value from: 1 at $700

To: 1 at $1,400 biennially, in odd years

Effective: May 2000

Doug Needham Memorial Bursaries (Faculty of Social Science)

Change in value from: 2 at $300

To: 3 at $600

Effective May 1999 (please award retroactively so that 6 at $600 will be given in 2000-2001)

Charles Drake Undergraduate Awards in Medicine (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

Change in value and effective date from: 40 awards annually for five years ranging in value from $3000 to $10,000: 3 at $10,000; 3 at $9,000; 3 at $8,000; 5 at $7,000, 6 at $5,000, 7 at $4,000 and 8 at $3,000.

Effective: From 1999-2000 to 2003-2004

To: Number and value of awards will vary annually as determined by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and the total available annually will be determined as funds permit.

Effective May 1999 to April 2009

For Information

MD Awards (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Medicine)

The curriculum for the Doctor of Medicine program in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has been revised. As a result, editorial changes will be made to awards which refer to the MD program will be revised as follows:

1) References in awards which refer to "Phase" will be revised to read "Year", e.g., "...awarded to a student in Year II".

2) For the following 8 awards, " in Phase IV" will be revised to read, "in the final two years of the program".

Occupational Therapy Awards

The following awards have been discontinued at the undergraduate level. They are introduced as graduate awards in this report. (See New Scholarships and Awards above)

Discontinued Awards

To be discontinued effective May 2000: