
Board of Governors - APPENDIX V - February 3, 2000



1. Affiliation Agreement between UWO and Brescia College, Huron College and King's College

Recommended: That the revised Affiliation Agreement between the Board of Governors of The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario, Brescia College, Huron College, and King's College, as shown in Annex 1, be approved.

Statutory Authority:

From The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario Act (1982, as amended 1988):

20. On the recommendation of the Senate, the Board may,
(c) provide for the affiliation with the University of any college in Ontario offering courses leading to a degree and established for teaching any branch of learning on such terms as the Board may determine, and enter into any agreement that the Board may consider necessary to effectuate affiliation, and in order to preserve the undenominational nature of the University no more than two colleges of the same denominational control shall be affiliated with the University at the same time, and no college affiliated with the University shall be affiliated with or have affiliated with it any other college, school or institution of higher learning without specific permission in writing by the Board;


The Affiliation Agreement is being amended to reflect current practice. The current Affiliation Agreement can be viewed at http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/general/affils.html.


1. Faculty Appointments by Gender

Departments are required to report annually, through the Deans, on the number of male and female applicants for regular full-time academic positions, as well as the number of males and females interviewed and subsequently appointed. This year, a new format has been adopted for the consolidated University report providing both historical and interinstitutional context. The report (attached as ) originates in the Office of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic) and was prepared by Professor D. Janelle, Acting Assistant Vice-Provost (Faculty Affairs).

2. Proposal for Reform of the Undergraduate Program

Attached as Annex 3 is a document entitled, "SCAPA White Paper: The Reform of the Undergraduate Program" which will be circulated for comment to Deans, Associate Deans and Department Chairs, and published in the 深夜福利站 News. The deadline for responses is Monday, March 13, 2000, and they should be directed to Professor J. Thorp, Chair of SCAPA, c/o University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

3. The Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct (S.99-292)

The Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee on a Student Code of Conduct has been charged with developing a Student Code of Conduct for the University. It is envisaged that the Code will include descriptions of expected standards of behavior, types of behavior that would violate the code, sanctions for breaches of the Code, and a system to ensure fair process with appropriate appeal mechanisms.

The Committee will be inviting comments from the community with respect to what categories of behavior which should fall under the jurisdiction of a Student Code of Conduct, what type and range of sanctions should be applied to students who breach the Code, and who should be responsible for both making decisions concerning violations of the Code and for evaluating appeals against decisions about a Code violation.

The Committee comprises Brian Timney (Chair) of the Faculty of Social Science, Theresa Morrissey of the University Secretariat, Sydney Usprich of the Faculty of Law with Michael Curry of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry as the student advisor.

In addition to a mailing to members of the Board of Governors, Senate, Deans, Director of Libraries and Chief Librarian, Senior Directors, Presidents of Unions, PMA, USC, SOGS, MBAA, the Ombudsperson and the Director of the Student Development Centre, a notice will be placed in the 深夜福利站 News and the Gazette soliciting views on the content of the Code. Submissions should be addressed to Professor Brian Timney, Dean's Office, Faculty of Social Science, Social Science Centre, or by e-mail at timney@julian.uwo.ca. The Committee is also prepared to hear oral submissions from interested parties.

The deadline for submissions (including oral presentations by interested parties) is Friday, January 14th, 2000. Following receipt of submissions, the Committee will issue a report and a draft policy for comment within the community and for publication in the 深夜福利站 News on March 2, 2000. Written comments on the draft may be submitted by Friday, March 17th. The time lines projected are for a final recommended policy to be sent to SCAPA for recommendation to Senate in April and to the Campus and Community Affairs Committee for recommendation to the Board of Governors in May.

4. Report on the 248th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities

See Annex 4.

5. University Council on Animal Care Annual Report

See Annex 5.

6. Mandated Review of Faculty of Health Sciences P&T Procedures [S.97-28b]

In February 1997, the Senate approved alternative procedures for appointments, promotion and tenure in the Faculty of Health Sciences, in recognition that the Faculty structure was unique.

In approving the alternative procedures, Senate also mandated a review of them by February 2000:

That, by February 1, 2000, the Provost initiate a review of these alternative procedures to determine whether they should be established through formal amendment to Conditions of Appointment. Any amendments to Conditions of Appointment would follow the usual procedures.

In 1998, the UWO Faculty Association became certified to represent full- and part-time faculty at The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario. As a result, under the terms of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, a "freeze" exists on conditions of employment. Appointments, promotion and tenure procedures are conditions of employment, and therefore it would be inappropriate to conduct the review while a first collective agreement is being negotiated.

7. Academic Program

A Four-Year BSc Program in Human Ecology (Foods and Nutrition) will be established effective September 1, 2000.

8. Selection Committee for Vice-President (Research)

Membership includes:

Dr. Paul Davenport (Chair)
Prof. S. Pedro Goldman (President's Appointee)

Elected by Senate: Prof. Jim Davies (Social Science)
Mr. Perry Monaco (student)
Dean Kathleen Okruhlik (Arts)
Prof. Catherine Ross (IMS)
Prof. Kerry Rowe (Engg. Sci.)

Elected by the Board: Dr. Bob Colcleugh

9. Appointments

Faculty of Health Sciences

J. Polgar, Acting Director, School of Occupational Therapy, January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2000

Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

C. Kenyon, Associate Dean - Undergraduate Medical Education, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000

Faculty of Science

L. Mansinha, Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, January 1, 2000 - December 31, 2002
A.I. McLeod, Chair, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, January 1, 2000 - June 30, 2004