The Affiliation Agreement
the Board of Governors of the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario,
Brescia College, Huron College, and King's College
(b) The term "Board of Governors" shall mean the Board of Governors of the University of 深夜福利站 Ontario.
(c) The term "Senate" shall mean the Senate of the University as defined by the University Act.
(a) that by its Act the University may confer degrees and award diplomas and certificates in any branch of learning, taught in the University or on its behalf in an Affiliated College, upon persons who, having complied with the requirements, are admitted to such degrees, diplomas and certificates by the Senate including persons registered in an Affiliated College;
(b) that, whereas the University confers the same academic degree on a student who graduates through an Affiliated College as it does on a student who graduates through the University, the academic standards of teaching, course content, and examinations for degree programs and courses offered in an Affiliated College must be at least equal to those of the University; and
(c) that the University shall have the right to set such academic standards, in full consultation with the Affiliated Colleges, through such procedures as are approved from time to time by the Senate.
Entrance Requirements
(b) Other than those programs listed in 5 (a) above, students may register in the Affiliated College for:
(i) a non-Honors BA or BACS degree provided such students take a minimum of one-third of their courses in the College, at least one of which shall be taken in each year of his or her registration;
(ii) a combined Honors BA degree in which one of the combining programs is not offered at the Affiliated College provided such students take a minimum of one-third of their courses in the College, at least one of which shall be taken in each year of his or her registration.
(c) A student who is not in good standing academically with the University or the Affiliated College shall not be permitted to register in another Affiliated College or in the University without the written consent of the University or the Affiliated College in which the student was registered.
(d) Subject to clause (c), the transfer of a student from one Affiliated College to another shall be solely a matter between the Affiliated Colleges concerned, except that records of the transfer shall be forwarded promptly to the Registrar of the University by the Affiliated College to which the transfer is made.
Exceptions and Variations
(i) All students taking the theology program offered by Huron College leading to the degree Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Master of Theological Studies (MTS) are required to register in that College. All students taking Theology programs offered by St. Peter's Seminary leading to the degree Master of Divinity (MDiv) are required to register in the Seminary.
(ii) Insofar as Theology programs are concerned, the standards of admission, the curriculum, and the regulations for the programs leading to these degrees in Theology, and the qualifications of new faculty appointees for Theology, shall be in accordance with the standards of membership of the Association of Theological Schools. Curriculum changes shall initially be approved by a joint committee consisting of the full-time theological teaching faculties of Huron College and St. Peter's Seminary, then forwarded for the information of the Registrar of the Constituent University. Policy issues or proposals for new or discontinued programs will be directed to the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Admission (SCAPA).
(b) Subject to the minimum number of courses required by clause 5(b):
(i) students may register in Huron College for Honors programs in Economics, English, French, History, International and Comparative Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, and Psychology or in any combination of those programs, and in the Scholar's Electives program;
(ii) students may register in King's College for Honors programs in Economics, English, French, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, and Sociology, or in any combination of those programs, and in the Scholar's Electives program; and
(iii) students may register in Brescia College for Honors programs in English, French, History, Philosophy, and Sociology or in any combination of those programs, and in the Scholar's Electives Program. Students may also register in Brescia College for the Four-Year Honors Programs and the Three-Year Programs in Human Ecology given by Brescia College for which the degree BA/BSc (Human Ecology) is conferred.
(c) Students with a University degree may register in any Affiliated College to take courses in any of the programs referred to in the foregoing subclauses (b)(i), (ii) and (iii).
(d) Students registered in the University may register for the programs in Human Ecology or Religious Studies (3 Year Program) given by Brescia College, in a program in International and Comparative Studies given by Huron College, and programs in Religious Studies and Childhood & Family Relations given by King's College. All students in the Honors program in Religious Studies (that is not a combined Honors program) are required to register in such College.
(e) All students in the Honors program in Social Work given by King's College are required to register at King's College.
(f) Students may register in Brescia College, Huron College, and King's College for the 3-year General BHSc degree. If a student wishes to continue into the fourth year of the Honors BHSc, then she/he must transfer to the Constituent University. The Affiliated Colleges can admit into year 1 of BHSc program only those students who meet the Constituent University's entrance requirements and have completed all the necessary prerequisite courses.
(g) Students may register in Brescia College, Huron College, and King's College for the 3-year BA (MIT) and the combined honors stream. Only those students who meet the Constituent University's entrance/progression requirements and have completed the necessary pre-requisites will be eligible for admission to the program, which admits students on a competitive basis.
Courses and Subjects
(b) By this Agreement, an Affiliated College suspends any right to confer in-course degrees, but an Affiliated College having a Faculty of Theology shall retain the right to confer honorary degrees in Divinity in its own behalf.
Powers of Senate
(a) make regulations governing admission to all programs leading to degrees and/or diplomas/certificates.
(b) approve the offering by the Affiliated College of all subjects or courses taught in the University or on its behalf by the Affiliated College subject to the conditions of clause 11.
(c) establish regulations regarding the terms whereon new programs, subjects or courses may be established or offered in the Affiliated College for University credit.
(d) authorize the development of diploma/certificate programs by the Affiliated Colleges. The Affiliated College may propose to Senate diploma/certificate programs developed in consultation with 深夜福利站's Centre for Continuing Studies.
(b) The College grants a reciprocal library privilege to students registered in the University and receiving course instruction in the College.
(c) The faculty of the Affiliated College shall have University library privileges equal to those enjoyed by the faculty of the University.
(d) The Affiliated College grants reciprocal library privileges to the faculty of the University to the extent that its physical facilities permit.
(e) In the general interest of the education of men and women at University level, it is recognized by both parties to this agreement that, ideally, full access should be available to the University library and to the library of the Affiliated College to the students of each and that library restrictions should be kept to a necessary minimum.
Fees and Financial Arrangements
(b) Students registered in the Affiliated College shall be subject to payment of the student activity fee paid by students registered in the University, as established by the Board of Governors from time to time.
(c) The financial arrangements between the Affiliated College and the University shall be as determined from time to time by the Board of Governors in consultation with the Affiliated College and notice of any proposed change or changes shall be given by the Board to the Affiliated College not less than eighteen months in advance of the effective date of such changes, except for changes in tuition fees and the student activity fee, where reasonable advance notice shall be given to the Affiliated College.
Student Activities and Discipline
(b) Students registered in the Affiliated College shall be entitled to representation on the University Students' Council in accordance with its constitution, and all such students shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the University Students' Council and the Board of Governors while on University property.
(c) Students registered in the University while on the property of the Affiliated College shall remain subject to the regulations of the University Students' Council and of the Board of Governors, and shall also be subject to the rules and regulations of the Affiliated College.
(a) When convocations are held at the Affiliated College, the arrangements concerning platform seating, the order of the academic procession, and all other details shall be subject to conference between the Affiliated College and the Convocation Committee of the Senate.
(b) When a meeting of the Convocation Committee of the Senate is called to discuss proposed arrangements for a University convocation at the Affiliated College, representatives of the Affiliated College will be invited to submit their proposals for consideration by the Committee.
(c) When University convocations are held at the Affiliated College, they shall be completely separate and distinct from any Affiliated College ceremony, religious or otherwise, except for the conferment of honorary degrees in Divinity by the Affiliated College which shall be specified in the program as degrees of the Affiliated College.
(d) When practical considerations of the Affiliated College require a ceremony on the same occasion as a University convocation at the Affiliated College, such ceremony shall follow the University Convocation, the conclusion of which will be marked by the removal of the University Mace and the Recessional.
(b) On the recommendation of the Senate, this agreement may be terminated or amended in part or in whole at any time by mutual agreement upon the giving of consent in writing by both parties.
Signed by:
Theresa Topic, Acting Principal, Brescia College
David Bevan, Principal, Huron College
Gerald Killan, Principal, King's College
Paul Davenport, President, The University of 深夜福利站 Ontario