Protocol Submission: HSREB Full Board

How to Submit a Protocol

The Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (HSREB) requires a protocol for all submissions. The protocol and supporting documentation must be submitted electronically using the Full Board Health Sciences Form in 深夜福利站REM (WREM). For guidence on writing a protocol see the REB's guidence doucment on our Guidelines and Templates page under HSREB. 

How to submit revised study documents

Once recommendations have been received from the HSREB researchers need to respond to these recommendations and include revised documents (e.g. protocol, letter of information etc.) Please ensure to submit one copy with tracked changes and a clean copy of all revised study document(s).

All revised study documents must have version dates including the day, written month and year (e.g. dd/mm/yy) in the footer of all study documents. Version dates identify the latest edition of study documents. If a study document requires further modification based on comments received during the REB review process, the version date must be modified to reflect the most recent edition of the study document.

