Michael Anderson



Acting Director, Rotman Institute of Philosophy

Philosophy of Neuroscience, Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience, Embodied Cognition

B.S. Notre Dame, PhD Yale University


Office: 深夜福利站 Interdisciplinary Research Building (WIRB) 7174
E-mail: mande54@uwo.ca
Website: R

Michael Anderson's research is located at the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, computer science, and the philosophy of cognitive science, and has appeared in venues including Artificial Intelligence, AI Magazine, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Connection Science, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, NeuroImage, The Neuroscientist, Philosophical Psychology, Synthese and Topics in Cognitive Science.  His most recent book After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain (MIT Press, 2014) outlines a novel framework for understanding the overall functional organization of the brain, places its function in evolutionary context, and demonstrates how mechanisms originally evolved for the support of sensory-motor coordination have been coopted to facilitate language and mathematics.

Recent Publications


"" (with E. Baggs & V. Raja). In Frontiers in Psychology 11 (2020).

"What Phantom Limbs Are". In Consciousness and Cognition 64, 2018:216-226.

"Reply to reviewers: Reuse, embodied interactivity, and the emerging paradigm shift in the human neurosciences". In Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39 (2016).

"Précis of After Phrenology: Neural Reuse and the Interactive Brain". In Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39, 2016:1-22.

"Mining the Brain for a New Taxonomy of the Mind". In Philosophy Compass 10 (1), 2015:68-77.