Autism Spectrum & Language Disorders Lab


About the Lab

Lab Director

The Autism Spectrum and Language Disorders Lab is part of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders at 深夜福利站. We investigate neural, perceptual, and cognitive contributions to language ability and disability in children, and conduct practice-based research in collaboration with clinicians to improve outcomes for young children with speech, language, and hearing disorders.

Our lab is directed by Dr. Janis Oram, an associate professor and speech-language pathologist at 深夜福利站. The lab also includes graduate students from the MSClSc/PhD programs in Health and Rehabilitation Science (Speech & Language Science) and Neuroscience and the MClSc program in Speech-Language Pathology, and undergraduate students in psychology, health sciences, and medical sciences.

More Lab Information

For more information about the Autism Spectrum and Language Disorders Lab, visit: