Hispanic Studies Thesis List
Published Thesis
Below you will find a complete listing of both MA and PhD thesis completed in the Hispanic Studies Graduate Program. At the end of 2010, 深夜福利站 began the process of electronically publishing theses. To view the electronically published theses from Hispanic Studies, you can access the electronic repository .
Daniel Varona Cordero (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Maria Del Carmen Vera Lopez (PhD), . Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Talia Lizeth Mendez Mahecha (MA) . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Maria De La Esperanza Ruiz-Pena Sanchez De Ibarguen (PhD), . Supervised by Yasaman Rafat.
Spencer Moyes (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Niloufar Ansari Dezfuly (MA), MET . Supervised by Yasaman Rafat (UWO) and Laura Spinu (KBCC at CUNY).
Liceth Bohorquez Leon, (MA) . Supervised by Jeff Tennant.
Addy, Sarita Naa Akuye (PhD), . Supervised by Victoria Wolff.
Cenaida Gomez (PhD), . Supervised by Yasaman Rafat.
Tatiana Fernandez Fernandez (MA), . Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito (UWO) and Maria Trillos Amaya (Universidad del Atlantico).
Martha Lorena Rojas Castaneda (MA), . Supervised by Victoria Wolff.
Lilliana Montoya (PhD), . Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Witton Becerra Mayorga (PhD), . Supervised by Victoria Wolff.
Nandita Dutta (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Katie Slemp (MA), . Supervised by David Heap.
Ayelet Ishai (PhD), . Supervised by Alena Robin.
Diana Maria Fernandez Acosta (PhD), . Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Grace Akpene Gomashie (PhD), . Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Alba Devo Colis (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Sarita Naa Akuye Addy (PhD), Doctoral. Supervised by Victoria Wolff.
Previous Years:
Emilio Calderon Reyes (MA), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Ana Maria Gonzalez (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Ana Ruiz Segarra (MA), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Javier Sepulveda (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Natasha A. Swiderski (MA), . Supervised by Yasaman Rafat.
Ivan B. Vazquez Clavellina (PhD), . Supervised by Alena Robin.
Meredith McGregor (PhD), . Supervised by Jeff Tennant.
Rafael Monroig (MA), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Itziri Moreno Villamar (PhD), . Supervised by Silvia Perpinan.
Elkin Sierra Rios (PhD), . Supervised by Yasaman Rafat.
Adriana Soto-Corominas (PhD), . Supervised by Silvia Perpinan.
Antonio Jimenez-Mavillard (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Raul Manuel Lopez Bajonero (PhD), . Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Jaime Ontiveros (PhD), . Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Yolanda Pangtay Chang (PhD), Malentendidos en Conversaciones im en Espanol. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Roberto Ulloa (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Jimena Zambrano (PhD), . Supervised by Alena Robin.
Mohammed Afana (PhD), . Supervised by Alena Robin
Diana Botero Ibarra (PhD), . Supervised by Silvia Perpinan.
Dagoberto Caceres Aguilar (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Javier De La Rosa Perez (PhD), Making Machines Learn. Applications of Cultural Analytics to the Humanities. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Dorismel Diaz-Perez (PhD), . Supervised by Victoria Wolff.
Natalia Caldas (MA), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Ana Chiarelli Acosta (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Mary Carmen Vera Lopez (MA), . Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Edgar Yanez Zapata (PhD), . Supervised by Alena Robin.
Elika Ortega Guzman (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Carlos Pardo (MA), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Rando Perez Salas (PhD), . Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Alma Ramirez-Trujillo (PhD), . Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Esperanza Ruiz-Pena (MA), . Supervised by Silvia Perpinan.
Juan Sanchez (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Ewelina Barski (PhD), . Supervised by Silvia Perpinan.
David Dominguez Navarro (PhD), . Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Santiago Kalinowski (PhD), . Supervised by Laurence de Looze.
Miharu Miyasaka Chirino (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Felipe Quintanilla (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Juan Carlos Rocha Osornio (PhD), . Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Andrea Avila (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Xavier Gamboa (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Miriam Pena Pimentel (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Jimena Zambrano (MA), . Supervised by Alena Robin.
Eduard Arriaga (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Cecilia Brain (PhD), Comunicación en Nueva España. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Natalie Calderón (MA), Liberating the Other: A Critical Analysis of Bruna, Soroche Y Los Tíos and Yo Vendo Unos Ojos Negros by Alicia Yánez Cossío. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Maria Eugenia De Luna Villalon (PhD), . Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Sharyn Melo (MA), The Use of Disguise in Three Nineteenth-Century Literary Media: the Novel, the Folletin, and the Feminine Magazines. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Carlos Urani Montiel Contreras (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Shiddarta Vasquez Cordoba (PhD), . Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
*Rolando Aguilera (MA), La estética de la critica sociopol?tica y de la incertidumbre en La diabla en el espejo. Supervised by Hugo Moreno.
Adriana Diez Mendieta (MA), Español-Euskera Contacto Lingüístico:Pronombres Cliticos En Hablantes Bilingües. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Ana Faure (PhD), La Especificidad En L2 Español: Un Estudio Con Hablantes De L1 Inglés Y L1 Mandarín. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Jennifer Kozak (MA), If I Can't Dance, I don't Want to be Part of Your Revolution: The Revolution and Popular Dance in Selected Cuban Works. Supervised by Victoria Wolff.
Ricardo Muñoz-Castiblanco (MA), Los Muiscas pintarion a Bochica Relación de la mitolog?a y el Arte Rupestre del pueblo Muisca. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Anaid Perez Mata Grajales (MA), El Faminismo existencialista de Rosario Castellanos: Un analisis de Albu de familia. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Belinda Roman (PhD), Complexity, Culture and Tolerance: A new Methodology For Studying The Hispanic Culture. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Brain Cecilia (PhD), Comunicación en Nueva España.
Kiara Paylor (MA), A Question of Remembering Mother Africa. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
*Gabriella Pino Gilardi (MA), Comprension de genero y numbero en ninos monolingues Hispanohablantes con y sin TEL. Supervised by Elena Valenzuela.
Yania Suarez Calleyro (MA), Jorge Luis Borges habla con Paul Valery. Supervised by Calin Mihailescu.
Beatriz Adriana Diez Mendieta (MA), Pronombres Cliticos en Hablantes Bilingues Espanol - Euskera.
Rolando Ernesto Aguilera (MA), Politica y arte en La diabla en el espejo
*Santiago Barreda-Castanon (MA), Perception and Production of Canadian English Vowels by L1 Spanish Speakers. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Lauren Beck (PhD), 16th Century Religious Signs and Symbols throughout the Lands of Spain. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Yolanda Pangtay Chang (MA), Malentendidos en Conversaciones im en Espanol. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Theresa Natalie Levesley (MA), Historia Contra Ficcion: El Testimonio en la Narrativa Guatemalteca Contemporanea. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
*Graciela Manjarrez Sanchez (MA), Edicion Critica de El Conde Lucanor de Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Meredith McGregor (MA), Sacudiendo la Identidad Latina: el hip hop y la voz del hood. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Elaine McIlwraith (MA), Bilingualism in Gibraltar: Focus constructions of bilingual Spanish-English grammars and the syntax-discourse interface. Supervised by Elena Valenzuela.
Miharu Miyasaka Chirino (MA), La representacion urbana en la literatura y el cine de Cuba. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Monica Nicte-ha Codina (MA), La Adquisicion Incomplet y la Atricion en los Verbos con y Sin Preposiciones en Hispanoblantes Bilingues. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Oswaldo Ortegon Cufino (MA), Globalizacion y mafia en la literatura columbiana. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Lee Paula Springer (MA), On Translating Baile Con Serpientes. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Graciela Manjarrez Sanchez (MA), El conde Lucaror -Edicion critica estudio testual y notao.
Douglas Bush (MA), Una historia literaria de fronteras sociales en Mexico. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Alexandra Collas (MA), Encuentros Cartograficos Narrativos de Mesoamerica. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Erin Cowling (MA), La gestion del conocimiento en la Espana de los humanistas 1503-1535. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Amie Delanghe (MA), Motivation to Learn Spanish at the University Level: Focus on Student Perceptions of the Role of the Instructor. Supervised by Jeff Tennant.
Margaret McLeod (MA), Lo Animal: Panorama de la literatura peninsular. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Claudia Quintanilla (MA), El sujeto y el consumo en la narrativa latinoamericana reciente. Supervised by Calin Mihailescu.
Joanna Thurlow (MA), Gora Euskara? Language Planning in the Basque Autonomous Community. Supervised by Jeff Tennant.
Katherine Austin-Okawa (MA), The Latin American Neo-Baroque: Lucha Libre, Visual Arts, and the Vato Loco. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Natalia Couste (MA), La representacion literia del exilio en tres novelas de fin de siglo XX. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Nicte Ana Fuller Medina (MA), El uso de hacer como estrategia de prestamo: La perifrasis hacer + V en el espanol beliceno. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Mariana Jardim (MA), Esclavitud, Cuerpos y el Languaje de la Danza en la Banda Oriental. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Enric Mallorqui Ruscalleda (MA), La Red Ludica de Celestina Desde El Medievalismo Postmoderno: Teoria De Juegos Y Fenomenologia De La Lectura. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Monica Nyvlt (MA), Es Presiones Artisticas Y Sociales De La Cultura Global: McOndo, El Crack, Diamela Eltit. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
Emma Elizabeth Seth (MA), Projections From Both Sides of the Border: The Filmic Construction of Mexican/Chicano Identities. Supervised by Dominique Russell.
Alma Ramirez-Trujillo (MA), Nahuatl y Espanol: Un Caso de Convergencia Sintactica. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Elizabeth Ramirez-Trujillo (MA), Analisis Linguistico del Espanol de Mexico, Siglo XVI. Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Tracey Azlyn (MA), La Estrecha Raya Entre La Virtud Y El Pecado: La Mujer en La Novela Realista Espagnola Del Siglo XIX. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Lauren Beck (MA), Complejidad, Metaforas de la Conquista Y La Emergencia De Las Sociedades Transatlanticas en El Siglo XVI. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Monserrat Bores-Martinez (MA), La Representacion de la Muerte en Los Siglos XVI Y XVII En Espana Y En La Nueva Espana. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Mirela Butnaru (MA), En Busca De La Independencia Latino Americana. Supervised by Rafael Montano.
Francisco Lopez-Martin (MA), Representaciones Del Alimento En El Siglo De Oro. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Diana Carter (MA), Variacon en el uso del presente perfecto en Espana. Supervised by Jeff Tennant.
Boncho Dragiyski (MA), Las estrategias del exemplum: Castigos e documentos del rey don Sancho IV, Libro de los enxiemplos del Conde Lucanor et de Patronio, Calila e Dimna y Libro de Barlaam y Josafat. Supervised by Laurence de Looze.
Armando Lanza (MA), Jorge Luis Borges: The Creation of the Fantastique. Supervised by Calin Mihailescu.
Patricia Bayona (MA), La Adquisicion de Estructuras Inacusativas en Espanol. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Laura Casagrande De Chamorro (MA), LECTURAS DE LINEAS FELINAS: Los tigres de Horacio Quiroga, Jorge Luis Borges y Julio Cortazar. Supervised by Calin Mihailescu.
Laura Heffernan (MA), La Creacion Del Pasado: Historia, Ficcion E Ideologia en El Cine Cubano. Supervised by Dominique Russell.
Cristina Atoche (MA), Lenguas En Contacto: El Caso Del Español Andino. Supervised by Joyce Bruhn de Garavito.
Brent Devos (MA), El Montaje Clásico de Una Secuencia Del Segundo Acto De El Burlador De Sevilla. Supervised by Juan Luis Suarez.
Laura Heffernan (MA), La Creacion Del Pasado: Historia, Ficcion E Ideologia en El Cine Cubano. Supervised by Dominique Russell.
Yolanda Iglesias De Las Heras (MA), El Realismo Clientifico de Pérez Galdó's En Base A Los Criterios De La Psicologia Moderna. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Maria Joao Dodman (MA), UNA MUJER FUERA DE SU TIEMPO: El Personaje Femenino En La Obra De Gil Vicente. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Ana Maria Mutis (MA), Cine Y Fotografia en Cuatro Cuentos se Cortazar. Supervised by Dominique Russell.
Paul Asensio (MA), La Demonomagia en la Celestina. Supervised by Pablo Restrepo-Gautier.
Julio Cortez (MA), La Araucana: Ficción Necesaria, Ficción integradora. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Maria Robertson (MA), La arquitectura Poética en Góngora. Supervised by Pablo Restrepo-Gautier.
Olga Velarde (MA), La vida es sueño: Entre Calderón y Foucault. Supervised by Calin Mihailescu.
Tracy Crowe (MA), Authorized Carnival in "Don Quijote". Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Raquel Trillia (MA), SEDUCCION Y AUTORIDAD: SANTA TERESA DE AVILA. Supervised by Calin Mihailescu.
David Gomez (MA), EL DEBATE EN TORNO AL SE SEO HISPANOAMERICANO. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
Marika Regan (MA), EL EVANGELIO APOCRIFO DE BORGES. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
Leeanne Bouteiller (MA), A Forgotten Midieval Woman Writer: Leonor Lopez de Cordoba. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Sarah Brooks (MA), EL HEROE PREMODERNO Y POSMODERNO. Supervised by Calin Mihailescu.
Sally Janzen (MA), Revolutionary Literature of Salvadorean Women. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
Felipe Ruan (MA), Borges, Sujeto, Personaje. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
Karen Vanderley (MA), Unfulfilled Maternal Instincts in Works of Gabriela Mistral. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
John Agbo-Klu (MA), ANTIFEMINISM IN THE SPANISH PICARESQUE NOVEL. Supervised by Marjorie Ratcliffe.
Clara Lipszyc-Arroyo (MA), EL CONTEXTO POLITICO EN EL BESO DE LA MUJER ARANA. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
Jose Nemesio Martinez (MA), LA CAMPANA DEL MAESTRAZGO: HACIA UNA VISION DE ESPANA. Supervised by Antonio Marti.
Charles Phebih-Agyekum (MA), SCHOPENHAUER EN LA POESIA DE VINCENTE ALEIXANDRE. Supervised by Jesus Lopez-Pacheco.
Flor Maria Buitrago (MA), LOS PROLOGOS DE CAMILO JOSE CELA. Supervised by Jesus Lopez-Pacheco.
Karen Geraci (MA), The Devil and the Other: A Study of the Fantastic Fiction of Julio Cortazar. Supervised by Lelia Madrid.
Julia Howell (MA), LA VISION POETICA DE JESUS CASTANON. Supervised by J. Asensio.
Sian Leyshon (MA), Los Gigantes en el Quijote. Supervised by Antonio Marti.
Judith Liebner (MA), Survival in the Theatre of Antonio Buero Vallejo. Supervised by Jean Newman.
Elizabeth Patterson (MA), EL COEXISTENCIALISMO DE BLAS DE OTERO. Supervised by Jesus Lopez-Pacheco.
Heather Rosen (MA), La Muerte en Los Cuentos de Ignacio Aldecoa. Supervised by Jesus Lopez-Pacheco.
Francis Aggor (MA), PECADO Y TRANSGRESION: La Evolucion Poetica de Miguel Hernandez. Supervised by Jesus Lopez-Pacheco.
Philip Gurski (MA), Incidencia de Terminos de Color Basicos en las Expresiones Metaforicas del Ingles, Frances Y Espanol. Supervised by Antonio Marti