Equity and Human Rights Services: Restructure and Name Change

August 31, 2021

As part of ongoing efforts to create a more equitable and inclusive university, 深夜福利站 has announced a new equity, diversity and inclusion portfolio and is serving as its first associate vice-president.

The creation of this new portfolio has led to a restructuring and name change for Equity and Human Rights Services.

Effective September 1, 2021, Equity and Human Rights Services has been renamed Human Rights Office and Larissa Bartlett is serving as its acting director while a search is conducted for a permanent director.

The location of these services has also changed.

Human Rights Office will be temporarily located in the Support Services Building, room 4190. The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will be located in Somerville House, room 2319 until their permanent space in the centre of campus is available in early 2022.

In this new structure all equity-related work as well as accessibility-related work will be led by the EDI office.

Work that is related to the non-discrimination and harassment policy will be led by the Human Rights Office.

Inquiries related to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion can be directed to edi@uwo.ca or by calling 519-661-2111 (x85501).

Inquiries related to Human Rights Office can be directed to humanrights@uwo.ca or by calling 519-661-2111 (x83334). Inquiries may also be sent using the online reporting form.