David Heap

519-661-2111 ext 85709

University College, room 3122

Courriel: djheap@uwo.ca

Ph.D. (Toronto: Langues et linguistique romane), 1997
MA (Toronto: French) 1990
Honours B.A. (Toronto: French, Spanish, Linguistics) 1988

Domaines de specialisation

Linguistique générale et française, espagnole, historique, morphologie, phonologie (descriptive et théorique),  variation linguistique, dialectologie romane, théorie de la traduction, langue et genre.

Recherches en cours

Since 2021, Co-Investigator on a major seven-year SSHRC collaborative research project:, (Amanada Gzryb, PI). Interpreting, supervising translation and subtitling, participation with international fieldwork team in Chalatenango, El Salvador.

The written and spoken grammatical expression of gender diversity, including non-binary gender identities, in Spanish and French.

La morphologie pronominale dans les variétés gallo-romanes, occitanes, et ibéro-romanes.

(Linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula)



"La variation grammaticale en géolinguistique: les pronoms sujet en roman central." Lincom Studies in Romance Languages #11. Munich: Lincom Europa Verlag, 2000. 196 pages.

Volumes Édités:

Perpiñán, David Heap, Itziri Moreno-Villamar and Adriana Soto-Corominas (eds). 2017. "Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 11". Selected papers from the 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), London, Ontario. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Tuller, Laurie, David Heap, Antoine Bustros, Noam Chomsky, Stephanie Kelly, Máire Noonan, Philippe Prévost, & Verena Stresing. "": Hagit Borer's anti-occupation activism and 2012 travel to Gaza. In For Hagit: A celebration. Linnaea Stockall, Luisa Martí, David Adger, Isabelle Roy & Sarah Ouwayda (Eds). Queen Mary University of London Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no.47, 33p. 2022

Heap, David & Adriana Soto-Corominas. 2020. " : la sous-spécification et la complexité." Dans Michelle Troberg et Sandrine Tailleur (rédactrices), Arborescences: Revue d’études françaises, 10: Hommage à Yves Roberge : clitiques, éléments nuls, et autres problèmes de syntaxe et d’acquisition, 87-101.

Heap David, Michèle Oliviéri and Katerina Palasis, 2017, "Clitic Pronouns", in Elisabeth Stark and Andreas Dufter (eds.) Manual of Romance Morphosyntax and Syntax. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 183-229.

Oliviéri, Michèle, Jean-Pierre Lai, and David Heap, 2017. "Partial Subject Paradigms and Feature Geometry in Northern Occitan Dialects." In Perpiñán, David Heap, Itziri Moreno-Villamar & Adriana Soto-Corominas (eds). Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 11. Selected papers from the 44th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), London, Ontario. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 147-167.


Heap, David & Yarubi Díaz Colmenares. (to appear). ": Spanish, English and some French in the context of participatory research. Special issue of ELLA (Education, Literature, Language. Norway) on gender and sexuality in the language subjects.  Accepted with revisions, January 2024.

Heap, David. 2024. "Los masculinos no tan “genéricos”: estudios empíricos sobre interpretaciones en español y en francés." Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la communicación (Madrid, Ediciones Complutense). 217-230.

Heap, David. 2023. " Reflections on the process." Academic Matters, OCUFA’s Journal of Higher Education

Mooney, Robert & David Heap. 2020. Co-Authored with Robert Mooney. Géolinguistique 20.

Nagy, Naomi, Michael Iannozzi, and David Heap, 2018. Faetar null subjects: A variationist study of a heritage language in contact. In Jonathan Kasstan and Naomi Nagy (eds), International Journal of the Sociology of Language: Special Issue on Francoprovençal: Documenting Contact Varieties in Europe and North America, 31-47.   

Papers in conference proceedings (refereed abstracts)

Diaz, Yarubi & David Heap. 2020. «Variation dans les accords du français inclusif ». In Angelica Hernández and M. Emma Butterworth eds., Proceedings of the 2020 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. 29 mai - 1 juin, 2020. Université ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario. London.

Slemp, Katie, David Heap and Yarubi Díaz. 2019. Writing vs. Speech: How do Spanish online videos pronounce gender inclusive language? Proceedings of the 2019 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.

Heap, David, and Adriana Soto-Corominas. 2019. Recycling in Catalan Clitic Acquisition: Underspecification… And Frequency Effects? Proceedings of the 2019 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.