Financement et bourses

  • Financement

  • Bourses et prix

Le financement de base offert par le Département d'études françaises aux étudiants éligibles, inscrits à temps plein dans les programmes de maîtrise et doctorat couvre la durée normale du programme, à savoir trois (3) semestres pour le programme de maîtrise et douze (12) semestres pour le programme de doctorat.

Conditions d'éligibilité:

"To be eligible for funding support package a student must:

  • be registered full-time;
  • meet program progression requirements."

"Students in funding-eligible programs receive financial support for the normal duration of their program."
(cf. )

Ce financement a deux composantes:


Note importante: sert à couvrir les .
* Si le montant de la bourse excède les frais d'éducation, l'étudiant recevra la différence par virement bancaire avant la fin du semestre en question.
* Si le montant de la bourse est inférieur aux frais d'éducation, l'étudiant devra couvrir la différence avant la date limite fixée par le et indiquée sur votre .

Valeur totale de la bourse WGRS pour l'année universitaire 2025-2026
(automne 2025 + hiver 2026 + été 2026)

Type de financement Programme de maîtrise Programme de doctorat
WGRS 3,000 $ 4,550 $ 10,650 $ 10,050 $


Le est un contrat de travail offert pendant les semestres d'automne et/ou hiver. Le salaire est versé à la fin de chaque mois de contrat.


Pour des informations détaillées concernant le financement et les frais de scolarité à ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾
et pour des outils vous aidant à organiser l'aspect financier de vos études


Au niveau du Département d'études françaises:

Subventions de recherche
Description officielle: Moyennant le programme Grad Travel Funding de la Faculté des arts et sciences humaines, le Département d'études françaises offre de l'appui financier pour les voyages de recherche et la participation aux colloques des étudiants inscrits dans les programmes de maîtrise et doctorat.
Valeur: variable.

Date limite
: variable
Formulaire de demande: Oui. pour accéder au formulaire.
Demande soumise au: Département d'études françaises. Il faut soumettre cette demande AVANT d'effectuer les dépenses.
Décision prise par: la direction des études supérieures

Randall Family Graduate Research and Travel Award in French
Official description: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in year 3 or beyond of a PhD in French based on academic achievement (minimum 78% average), satisfactory progression in the program and participation in an academic research project including dissertation research or conference participation. Candidates will submit a research project, a detailed budget, a cv and a letter of support from the thesis director to the Department of French Studies by April 1. The recipient will be selected by the Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of French Studies, of which at least one person will hold membership in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Students may apply for both the Mary Routledge Fellowships and the Randall Graduate Research and Travel Award in French but will not be eligible to receive both awards during the same competition year. For further details please contact the Department of French Studies.
Value: Number and value to vary based on funds available.

Award frequency: annual
Deadline: April 1st
Application: Yes. .
Application submitted to: Department of French Studies
Selection done by: Graduate Studies Committee in French Studies

The Sir Charles Edward Saunders-Mary Eileen Anderson - CCAA Scholarships in French (Canada Council Arts Awards)

Official description: Awarded annually to an outstanding student who is either entering or continuing in the MA and PhD programs (one for each program) and who will not be a recipient of a major award other than a Graduate Teaching Assistantship or an entrance scholarship.
Value: 2 at $700.00.

Award frequency: annual
Application – No. Merit-based Scholarship.
Decision made by : April 15th
Selection done by – Graduate Studies Committee in French Studies

Au niveau de la Faculté des arts:

Faculty of Arts and Humanities Alumni Graduate Awards
Official description: Awarded to graduate students registered in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and enrolled in any graduate program in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, who can demonstrate financial need and are maintaining a minimum 78% average.  The awards will be used to support graduate travel and research.  Applicants must supply a project description and a detailed budget.  Recipients will be selected by the Dean of Arts and Humanities upon consultation with a committee.  Completed applications must be submitted by January 15th.  Recipients must meet OSOTF eligibility requirements.
Value: Number and value of awards may vary.  Up to $9,000 will be available.

Award frequency: annual
Deadline: January 15th
Application: Yes. Application form sent out by the Dean's Office each November.
Application submitted to: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Selection done by: the Dean of Arts and Humanities upon consultation with a committee.
Graduate Thesis Research Award

Official Description: Awards are only available to full-time students at The University of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ Ontario who are enrolled in a graduate program leading to a Masters or PhD degree. Applicants must be engaged in writing a thesis/dissertation as a part of their degree requirements. The applicant must be eligible for the program both at the time of application and at the time of the expense. Should the awardee cease to be a student at the University during the tenure of the award, the award will be cancelled and all remaining and recoverable monies returned to the common fund. (Note: Unlike the other three awards, the Graduate Thesis Research Award is not a scholarship. The students will be required to submit receipts to be reimbursed. The research expenses should occur between January 1 and December 31 of the year of the competition. Retroactive requests are not accepted.)
Value: Up to $1,500.00. 

Award frequency: annual
Deadline: January 31st
Application: Yes. Application form sent out by the Dean's Office each November.
Application submitted to: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Selection done by: Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Lynne-Lionel Scott Scholarship in Canadian Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Official Description: Awarded to graduate students registered full time in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, with a demonstrated interest in Canadian Studies and a minimum 78% average. Preference will be given to Doctoral candidates. Applicants for admission who indicate a primary interest in Canadian studies and whose applications are completed by January 8 of each year will be considered. Applications will be available in the applicant's department and must be submitted to the Graduate Chair of the applicant's department. The recipient will be selected by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities on the recommendation of a selection committee of which at least one member must hold membership in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. This Scholarship was established by Mrs. Rose Lynne Scott (BA '62) through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ to encourage studies in the area of Canadian Studies.
Value: A maximum of 3 awards, up to a combined total of $2,500

Award frequency: annual
Deadline: January 8th
Application: Yes. Application form sent out by the Dean's Office each November.
Application submitted to: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Selection done by: Faculty of Arts and Humanities on the recommendation of a selection committee

Mary Routledge Fellowships
Official description: Awarded to full-time graduate students registered in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in a graduate program based in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities.  These fellowships will be awarded to graduate students in order to cover expenses incurred as a result of a need to consult archival materials off campus, or to otherwise travel in the context of their research.  Candidates must have maintained a minimum A average and exhibit research ability or potential.  Selection will be made by the Dean of Arts in consultation with the graduate Chairs in all Arts Departments.  Fellowships will be awarded on the basis of applications to be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Arts no later than January 15 of any calendar year.  These fellowships were established through Foundation ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ by a bequest from the late Mary B. Routledge (BA '24).
Total of $6000 available annually.
The numbers and amounts of awards will vary with the applications in any given year.  Funds not awarded in one year will be carried over to the next cycle of applications.

Award frequency: annual
Deadline: January 15th
Application: Yes. Application form sent out by the Dean's Office each November.
Application submitted to: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Selection done by: the Dean of Arts in consultation with the graduate Chairs in all Arts Departments

Professor W.E. Collin Scholarship in Canadian Literature
Official description: Awarded to a full-time graduate student in a Master's or Doctoral program within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities studying Canadian Literature in French OR English, based on academic achievement. Preference will be given to a student studying French-Canadian Literature. A committee in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, with representation by a current member of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, will select the recipient.
This graduate scholarship was established by Dr. Arthur E. Collin (B.Sc ’53; M.Sc ‘57) in honour of his father, W.E Collin (MA ’25; Honorary DLitt ‘75). Dr. Collin began his 40- year teaching career at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ in 1923 and was a pioneer in both Canadian and French Canadian Literature. As one of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾’s most distinguished Professors, Dr. Collin was known for his tireless dedication to his students which was particularly noted when he was granted an honorary Doctor of Letters degree in 1975. This scholarship honors his legacy at ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾ and commitment to students in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
Value: 1 at $4,000

Award frequency: annual
Deadline: Winter 2023
Application: Yes. Application form sent out by the Dean's Office during the Winter term.
Application submitted to: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Selection done by: A committee in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, with representation by a current member of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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