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Adjunct Faculty Members
Faizan Ahmed, PhD (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
- Chest Physiotherapy
- Respiratory mechanics
- Cardiovascular dysregulation
Jatinder Bains (Adjunct Clinical Professor)
Clinical Expertise
- Acute care
- Home care
- Private practice
- Regulatory experience with standards and quality assurance
Teaching Areas
- Leadership
- Business operations
- Patient experience (emotional support)
Robin Baker, CMG, FRHistS, FRAS, PhD (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Ancient History of Medicine and Physical Therapy
- Babylonian Therapeutic Theory and Practice
- Ancient Egyptian Therapeutic Theory and Practice
- Ancient Approaches to Physical and Mental Rehabilitation
(Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Osteoarthritis management
- Joint injury
- Arthroplasty research
- Informing orthopaedic practice
Mervin Blair, PhD (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Neuropsychology and cognitive rehabilitation
- Neurological disorders (dementia, multiple sclerosis)
Nathan Durand, PT, MPT (Clinical Adjunct Lecturer)
Clinical Expertise
- Complex orthopedic rehabilitation following fracture, polytrauma, and post-surgery
- Rehabilitation following stroke, multiple sclerosis, and varying neurological conditions
- Bobath Concept
- Geriatrics
- Managing medical complexities and comorbidities
- Motivational interviewing
- Collaborative interdisciplinary management in inpatient rehabilitation
Teaching Areas
- Neurological Rehabilitation
- Complex Orthopedic/Polytrauma Rehabilitation
- Complexities in PT Case Management
Michelle Kleiner, BSc(PT), MClSc, PhD, FCAMPT (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- The qualities and practices of a good physiotherapist
- The therapeutic relationship
- Narrative practice
- Reflective practice
- Psychologically informed physiotherapy practice
- Qualitative research methodologies Health professional education
Tania Larsen, PhD (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Acute care
- Early mobility
- Critical illness
- Chronic lung disease
- Frailty
- Grounded theory
Aliyu Lawan, PhD (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Biopsychosocial Aspects of Pain and Disability
- Degenerative and Common Spinal Conditions
- Musculoskeletal Disorders in Africa
- Children's Mental Health and Disability
Michael Lukacs, PhD (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Emerging technologies in physiotherapy practice
- Stress system reactivity
- Advanced physiotherapy practice
Ryan McLeod, PT, MScPT, BKin (hons) (Adjunct Clinical Professor)
Clinical Experience
- Acute and Subacute Neurosurgical Inpatient Physiotherapy
- Acute Cardiorespiratory management
- Management of medically complex patients
- Neuroanatomy and physiology
- Collaborative Interdisciplinary care
Teaching Areas
- Acute Neurological Assessment and Management
- Cardiorespiratory Assessment and Management
- Managing the medically complex patient
Tim Noblet, PhD (Adjunct Research Professor)
Research Interests
- Complexity of pain
- Sleep well-being
- Human performance
- Spinal and Musculoskeletal diagnosis, management and rehabilitation
David Ure (Adjunct Clinical Professor)
Clinical Expertise
- Mental health
- Long-term care
- Rehabilitation (stroke, brain injury)
- Perioperative services
- Adult community care
- School health
Teaching Areas
- Health care leadership
- Talent management and succession planning