National Centre for Audiology showcases its leadership in the field
The November issue of - the online magazine of the Canadian Academy of Audiology - featured a series of articles written by members of 深夜福利站's National Centre for Audiology (NCA), which showcase the NCA's leadership in the field.
The focus on 深夜福利站 begins with an interview with NCA Director Susan Scollie, and includes seven other articles highlighting the research being conducted by NCA members. As stated by editor-in-chief Marshall Chasin, "these articles summarize nicely the bi-directional manner of knowledge and development that we see in our field". Links to the articles are included below.
by The Canadian Academy of Audiology
by Jordana Costa Soares, Postdoctoral Associate
by Marlene Bagatto, Assistant Professor
by Sheila Moodie, Associate Professor; and Robert Koch
by Vijay Parsa, Associate Professor; Susan Scollie, Associate Professor; Manan Sheel
by Ingrid Johnsrude, Professor; Emma Holmes; Jon Deeks
by Danielle Glista, Senior Research Associate
by Marlene Bagatto, Assistant Professor; Steve Aiken; Steve Armstrong