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Lisa Archibald, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Elborn College
1201 深夜福利站 Rd.
London, Ontario CANADA
N6G 1H1
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 82753
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2013-14 Poster Presentations
Speech-Language Pathology Presentations
Abergel, A: Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Integrated Phonological Awareness Intervention Model for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Amato, S: Do children and adolescents with emotional/behavioural difficulties have associated deficits in language?
Ashford, T: Does reminiscence therapy including life story work improve the quality of life of people with dementia?
Belanger, E: Do interactive electronic books elicit different types of adult-child interactions than traditional books during story reading?
Chan, S: Do Speech-Generating Devices (SGDs) Increase Natural Speech Production in Children with Developmental Disabilities?
Clark, J: Does Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) have a long-term effect on speech intensity in individuals with Parkinson’s disease?
Davidson, A: Are therapeutic interventions that include non-invasive brain stimulation (tDCS/rTMS) with language therapy effective at improving auditory comprehension in patients with aphasia following left-hemisphere stroke?
Dyment, J: The effectiveness of computer-assisted treatment of reading ability for adults with acquired neurogenic disorders
Falikowski, M: The Effect of Pretreatment Swallowing Exercises on Long-Term Outcomes after (Chemo) Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer.
Field, A: Does providing teachers with preventive vocal hygiene training reduce the likelihood of the development of voice-related impairments?
Findlay, K: Is the PROMPT approach an effective treatment for improving articulatory control and intelligibility in children with severe speech sound or motor speech disorders?
Gadsby, K: Speech-generating devices and picture-based systems: Which method is more effective at increasing requesting skills in children with autism spectrum disorders?
Gain, K: What is the impact of low socioeconomic status on the vocabulary development of typically developing children prior to school entry?
Gainforth, J: Is script-fading an effective procedure to promote verbalized social interactions for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Haydon, D: Does hyperbaric oxygen therapy create greater hearing gains when used as an adjunct therapy to pharmacologic agents for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss in adults than pharmacologic agents used alone?
Hibbs, C: Is cervical auscultation a reliable and valid measure to identify aspiration in adults when compared to videofluoroscopy?
Jackman, K: Auditory Perception and Quality of Life in Female Tracheoesophageal Speakers: A Critical Review and Experimental Study
Jeon, S: Is an early intervention program that embeds explicit phonological awareness instruction in shared reading, effective in enhancing the early literacy skills of preschoolers from lower socioeconomic backgrounds?
Kashlak, M: Dynamic vs static stimuli: Effectiveness in emotion recognition for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Kozak, A: Does interactive book reading improve the language and literacy skills of young children with an intellectual disability?
Krupicz, M: The efficacy of Reciprocal Imitation Training as a treatment for imitation deficits in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Mains, V: What Patient Factors Predict Outcome in Mild Stroke?
Malecki, P: Does auditory-verbal therapy result in positive language outcomes for children with hearing loss?
McCorkil, L: Impairments in Swallowing as a Result of Oral Cancer and Surgical Intervention
Muhammed Wazeer, M: Does the use of atypical items in semantic based naming treatment for individuals with anomia related to aphasia result in more efficient generalization to untrained items when compared to the use of typical items?
Nyhout, J. & Scott, S: Exploring the Efficacy of Verb Intervention for Children with Language Impairment : A Critical Review and Program Evaluation
Pascoe, S: Can pediatric idiopathic toe walking be associated with delays in language?
Rainham, S: What are the Clinical Outcomes Associated with PEG Tube Feeding in Patients with Advanced Dementia?
Rentz, S: In children with cerebral palsy and a diagnosis of dysarthria, what is the effectiveness of speech interventions on improving speech intelligibility?
Shum, W: What effect does being in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) have on a child’s speech and language development?
Sissons, R: Does communication training for informal caregivers aid people with dementia's quality of life?
Tasciotti, N: Are context-based intervention programs effective for the development of phonological awareness skills?
Vaz, M: Behavioural Intervention for Pill Swallowing: Children and Adolescents with Medical Diagnoses
Vickers, M: Does animal-assisted therapy (AAT) have a positive impact on communication and social interactions in adults with dementia?
Wilkinson, J: Determining the Presence of a Gender Bias in Perceptual Ratings of Tracheoesophageal Speakers