Susan Scollie, PhD
- BA Hons., MCISc, PhD (深夜福利站)
Graduate Program Supervision
- Health and Rehabilitation Sciences |
Research In Profile
Dr. Susan Scollie is a Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Director the National Centre for Audiology, University of 深夜福利站 Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. With colleagues, she developed version 5.0 of the DSL Method for hearing aid fitting, now a worldwide standard for pediatric hearing aid prescription. Her current research focuses on the efficacy of hearing aid signal processing, outcomes for infants, children, and adults who use hearing aids, hearing aid verification strategies, and simulation in education.
Featured Publications and Projects
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Scollie, S., Folkeard, P., Pumford, J., Pietrobon, J. (2022). Venting corrections improve the accuracy of coupler-based simulated real-ear verification for use with adult hearing aid fittings, Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, doi: 10.1055/a-1808-1275.
- Vaisberg, J.M., Beaulac, S, Glista, D., Macpherson, E.A., Scollie, S.D. (2021). Perceived sound quality dimensions influencing frequency-gain shaping preferences for hearing aid-amplified speech and music, Trends in Hearing, 25 doi: 2331216521989900
- Van Eeckhoutte, Maaike; Folkeard, Paula; Glista, Danielle; Scollie, Susan; (2020). Speech recognition, loudness, and preference with extended bandwidth hearing aids for adult hearing aid users. International Journal of Audiology.
- Koch, R., Saleh, H., Folkeard, P., Moodie, S., Janeteas, C., Agrawal, S., Ladak, H., Scollie, S. (2020). Skill transference of a probe-tube placement training simulator. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 31(1): 40-49. doi: 10.3766/jaaa.18054.
- Folkeard, Paula; Bagatto, Marlene; Scollie, Susan; (2020). Evaluation of hearing aid manufacturers’ software-derived fittings to DSL v5. 0 pediatric targets. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.
- Scollie, S.D. (2008). Children’s speech recognition scores: The SII and age-related proficiency. Ear and Hearing, 29(4): 543-556.
- Scollie, S., Seewald, R.C., Cornelisse, L., Moodie S., Bagatto, M., Laurnagaray, D., Beaulac, S., Pumford, J. (2005). The Desired Sensation Level multistage input/output algorithm. Trends in Amplification, 9(4): 159-197
Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Scollie, S.D. and Parsa, V. (2021). A manikin-based simulator for hearing aid demonstration: Effects of scene and hearing loss simulation. NSERC/OCI Alliance. $75,000.
- Scollie, S.D., Curca, I., Moodie, S.T. & Folkeard, P. (2021-2023). Industry and academic partnership to create rapid turn-around, feasible and evidence-based protocols. SSHRC PEG. $24,996.
- Allen, P. & Scollie, S. (Co-PI) and 12 investigators. (2017-2023). New technologies for hearing assessment and treatment (RE08-72). Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation: Research Excellence Fund. $2.9M.
- Scollie, S., Easwar, V., Moodie, S., Aiken, S., Bagatto, M., and Johnsrude, I. (2016-2023). Rapid measures of speech-evoked brain-stem activity in infants who have hearing loss: Assessing hearing aid benefit for speech sounds. CIHR/NSERC Collaborative Health Research Projects. $328,848.
Graduate Student Projects
Visit for a comprehensive list of completed student theses and dissertations.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Award for Innovations in Technology-Enhanced Teaching, 深夜福利站 (2020)
- Richard Seewald Career Award, Canadian Academy of Audiology 2018
- Marion Downs Award in Pediatrics, American Academy of Audiology 2018
- Inaugural Vanguard Innovator of the Year Award, University of 深夜福利站 Ontario 2015
Professional Activities
- Director, National Centre for Audiology
- Member, Steering Committee for the International Hearing Aid Research Conference
- Member, International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology