Ingrid Johnsrude, PhD

Professor and 深夜福利站 Research Chair

Room 4124, WIRD
519 661-2111 x84447


  • PhD (McGill University)
  • MSc (McGill University)
  • BSc (Queen's University)

Graduate Program Supervision

  • Psychology  | 
  • Neuroscience  | 

Research In Profile

When speech is masked or degraded in some way, demands are placed on cognitive processes beyond those needed for comprehension of clear speech. Such recruitment is probably why listening in noise “feels” effortful, even when intelligibility is high. Increased effort is aversive and tiring, and the goal of making listening less effortful is increasingly recognized as important. Researchers in my group study how individual cognitive differences and experiential factors contribute both to the experience of listening effort, and to the demand placed on cognition to help understand speech in challenging listening environments. 

Featured Publications and Projects

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Holmes, E., Johnsrude, IS (in press). Intelligibility benefit for familiar voices does not depend on better discrimination of fundamental frequency or vocal tract length. Hearing Research.
  • Herrmann B, Maess B, Henry MJ, Obleser J, Johnsrude, IS (in press). Age-related changes in the neural mechanics of dynamic auditory attention in time. NeuroImage.
  • Herrmann, B, Maess, B., Johnsrude, IS (In press). Sustained responses and neural synchronization to amplitude and frequency modulation in sound change with age. Hearing Research
  • Holmes, E., Kinghorn, E., McGarry, LM., Buszari, E, Griffiths, TD, Johnsrude, IS. (2022) Pitch discrimination is better for synthetic timbre than natural musical instrument timbres, despite familiarity. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152 (1), 31-42
  • Ritz H, Wild C, Johnsrude IS. (2022) Parametric cognitive load reveals hidden costs in the neural processing of perfectly intelligible degraded speech. Journal of Neuroscience, 42 (23), 4619-4628
  • Irsik, V, Johnsrude, IS, Herrmann, B. (2022) Neural activity during story listening is synchronized across individuals despite acoustic masking. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 933-950
  • Irsik, V, Johnsrude, IS, Herrmann, B. (2022) Age-related deficits in dip-listening evident for isolated sentences but not for spoken stories. Scientific Reports 12, 1-17,
  • Van Hedger, SC, Johnsrude IS, Batterink, LJ (2022). Prior real-world experience influences non-linguistic statistical learning. Cognition, 218, 104949
  • Herrmann B, Maess B, Johnsrude IS (2022). A neural signature of regularity in sound is reduced in older adults. Neurobiology of Aging, 109, 1-10
  • Herrmann B, Yasmin S, Araz K, Purcell D, Johnsrude IS. (2021) Sound level context modulates neural activity in the human brainstem. Scientific Reports,11, 1-11
  • Herrmann B, Araz K, Johnsrude, IS (2021) Sustained neural activity correlates with rapid perceptual learning of auditory patterns. NeuroImage, 238, 118238
  • Holmes E, Johnsrude IS (2021). Speech-evoked brain activity is more robust to competing speech when it is spoken by someone familiar. NeuroImage Apr 30;237:118107. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118107.
  • Irsik VC, Alamanaseer A, Johnsrude IS, Herrmann B (2021) Cortical responses to the amplitude envelopes of sounds change with age. Journal of Neuroscience Apr 26:JN-RM-2715-20. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2715-20.2021.

Visit for a comprehensive list of publications.

Featured Graduate Student Projects

Visit for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.

Additional Information

Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations

  • 深夜福利站 Research Chair, Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Faculty of Social Science, Department of Psychology
  • Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Department of Neuroscience


  • Tier II Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience (2003-2014)
  • 2009 E.W.R. Steacie Memorial
  • Government of Ontario Early Researcher Award (2006)