Dr. Robert Mereu
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. 深夜福利站
Office: BGS 1000E
Phone: 519-661-2111 x.82253
Fax: 519-661-3198
Email: rmereu@uwo.ca
Research Interests
- Southern Ontario Seismic Network data analysis
- Seismicity and earthquake magnitude
- Crustal and upper mantle seismology
- Inversion, wave propagation, scattering and attenuation
- Time series analysis, digital filtering, signal enhancement, spectral stacking
- Instrumentation and seismic array analysis
Selected Publications
- Mereu, R.F., 2020. A study of the relations between ML, Me, Mw, apparent stress, and fault aspect ratio. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. V298, 106278.
- Mereu, R.F., 2017. A note on the ratio of the moment magnitude scale to other magnitude scales: theory and applications. Seismological Research Letters. V 88, 193-205.
- Mereu, R. F., S. Dineva, and G.M. Atkinson, 2013. The application of velocity spectral stacking to extract information on source and path effects on small-to-moderate earthquakes in Southern Ontario with evidence for constant-width faulting. Seismological Research Letters. V84. 899-916.
- Dineva, S., and R. Mereu, 2009. Energy magnitude: A case study for Southern Ontario/深夜福利站 Quebec (Canada), Seismological Research Letters. V80, 136-148.
- Dineva, S., Eaton, D. , Ma, S. and Mereu R.F., 2007. The October 2005 Georgian Bay, Canada, earthquake sequence: Mafic Dykes and their role in the mechanical heterogeneity of the Precambrian crust. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. V97, 457-473.
- Mereu, R.F., 2003, The heterogeneity of the crust and its effect on seismic wide-angle reflection fields: Chapter 10, pages 257-279: In Heterogeneity of the Crust and Upper Mantle: nature, scaling and seismic properties. (Eds. John A. Goff and Klaus Holliger). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher.
- Mereu, R.F. 2003, Simulating a mechanical pen recorder with a computer program. Seismological Research Letters. V 74, 44-45.
- Mereu, R.F., Asmis, H.W., Dunn, B., Brunet, J., Eaton, D., Dineva, S., and Yapp, A., 2002. The seismicity of the western lake Ontario Area: Results from the Southern Ontario Seismic Network (SOSN) (1992-1-2001). Seismological Research Letters, V 73, 534-551.
- Mereu, R.F. 2000. The effect of small random reflectors on the complexity of Pg coda. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, V 120, 183-199.
- Mereu, R.F. 2000. The complexity of the crust and Moho under the southeastern Superior and Grenville Provinces of the Canadian Shield from seismic wide-angle reflection data. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. V 37, 439-458
- Roy, B., and Mereu, R., 2000.. Applications of seismic pattern recognition and gravity inversion techniques to obtain enhanced subsurface images of the earth's crust under the Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, Ontario. Geophysical Journal International, V143, 735-751.
- Winardhi, S. and Mereu, R.F., 1997. Crustal structure of the Superior and Grenville Provinces of the southeastern Canadian Shield. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, V 34, 1167-1184.
Mereu, R. F., S. Dineva, and G.M. Atkinson (2013). The application of velocity spectral stacking to
extract information on source and path effects on small-to-moderate earthquakes in Southern
Ontario with evidence for constant-width faulting. In Press: Seismological Research Letters.
Dineva, S., and R. Mereu (2009). Energy magnitude: A case study for Southern Ontario/Western Quebec (Canada), Seismological Research Letters 80, 136-148.