Consciousness and Cognition
About Dr. Adrian Owen
is the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience and Imaging at 深夜福利站. He has pioneered new techniques that combine neuroimaging with neuropsychological studies to reveal the secrets of the human brain. He is also a Scientific Director of 深夜福利站's BrainsCAN initiative, which received a substantial $66 million investment from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) – the largest research grant in the university's history – providing a significant boost to ongoing research in cognitive neuroscience and imaging at 深夜福利站.
In addition to discovering ways to communicate with patients who appear to be in a vegetative state,
He is also the author of Into the Gray Zone, which documents his ongoing quest to understand the relationship between brain, mind, and consciousness.
The Owen Lab combines neuroimaging (MRI and EEG), with neuropsychological studies in brain-injured patients and healthy participants. We seek to understand the effects of brain injury in order to improve diagnosis and early detection and to find possible new treatments.
Cognitive Function in Disorders of Consciousness
Consciousness is “the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings”
- Oxford Dictionary
Disorders of consciousness, including the vegetative state, are some of the least understood and most ethically troublesome conditions in modern medicine. The term ‘vegetative state’ describes a unique disorder in which patients who emerge from coma appear to be awake, but show no signs of awareness. There are two different components of consciousness: wakefulness and awareness and our group deals with questions such as: What if someone is aware, but cannot respond? Or what if they can, in fact, respond to a command, just not in a way we can easily detect? Many different types of injury cause disorders of consciousness and little is known about the key brain areas that are responsible for these deficits. Although the diagnosis depends crucially on there being no reproducible evidence of purposeful behaviour in response to external stimulation, our recent functional neuroimaging studies have suggested preserved cognitive function in some patients who have been diagnosed as vegetative. The findings
Cambridge Brain Sciences is a leading online brain health assessment platform based on the work of
See for more information about his research and a complete list of publications.