Thesis Presentation Day 2014
On Saturday April 5th, sixty Environmental Science and Biology Honors Thesis students gathered to present their research projects, which they have been tirelessly working on since September, to their peers, lab mates, supervisors, advisors and family. The students gave exceptional and exciting talks summarizing their research in Biochemistry and Physiology, Cell Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Environmental Science and Genetics. Awards were given in each session for best presentation, as determined by the other presenters. Congratulations the Biology students Joshua Frank (supervisor: Sheila Macfie), Aneesha Sood (Trevor Shepherd), Mark Coumans (Kathleen Hill), Caryn Dooner (Amanda Moehring), Jacob Pelling (Sash Damjanovski), Julia Abitbol (Brian Allman/Alexander Timoshenko), and Jackie Lebenzon (Brent Sinclair) and the Environmental Science student, Maria Sia (Katrina Moser) for their awards for best presentation in their category. Many thanks go out to the evaluators that volunteered their time to evaluate the student’s presentations.