About Us
The Department of Biology is located on the second and third floors of the Biological and Geological Sciences Building, with supplemental spaces in the 深夜福利站 Science Centre and North Campus Building. Please feel free to contact us by telephone, fax, postal mail or email.
Main Telephone Number: 519-850-2542
General Inquiries: Siobhan Drysdale sdrysda4@uwo.ca
Graduate Student Inquiries: biogradrequests@uwo.ca
Undergraduate Inquiries: biougrad@uwo.ca
Postal/Courier Address:
Department of Biology
Biological & Geological Sciences Building, Room 2025
1151 Richmond St. N.
London, ON N6A 5B7
Diversity Statement & Land Acknowledgement
We believe diversity is a strength and aim to promote and celebrate it at all levels of our department.
We acknowledge that 深夜福利站 is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak, and Attawandaron peoples, on lands connected with the London Township and Sombra Treaties of 1796 and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum.
With this, we respect the longstanding relationships that Indigenous Nations have to this land, as they are the original caretakers. We acknowledge historical and ongoing injustices that Indigenous Peoples (e.g. First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) endure in Canada, and we accept responsibility as a public institution to contribute toward revealing and correcting miseducation as well as renewing respectful relationships with Indigenous communities through our teaching, research and community service.