Remembering Michael Locke (1929-2013)

Michael LockeMichael Locke had a commanding presence at UWO from the time of his arrival in 1971 until long after his retirement in 1994. He was Chair of Zoology for 14 years (1971-1985), the longest-serving Chair in Biology, and was instrumental in laying the foundation for research and teaching in Biology at 深夜福利站 today. As a researcher, his work on insect physiology was recognized internationally as among the best in the world, for which he earned many national and international awards, including a Killam Fellowship, the Wigglesworth Medal and Lectureship, Honorary Fellowships in the Royal Society of Entomology, Certificate of Distinction from the International Congress of Entomology, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and the Helmuth Prize from UWO.

Posted November 4, 2013