SASAH – a transformative experience

The School for Advanced Studies in the Arts and Humanities is the flagship Program of ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Unique in Canada, the SASAH Program combines scholarly investigation, pedagogical innovation, experiential learning, and language acquisition to offer an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and community-engaged educational experience. Courses are taught in small classes by Research Fellows drawn from our internationally recognized faculty in Classical Studies, English and Writing Studies, Film Studies, French Studies, Languages and Cultures, Philosophy, Visual Arts, and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies.

The SASAH program draws on the Faculty of Arts and Humanities’ national reputation for scholarly excellence and classroom innovation, acting as a catalyst for cutting-edge research, teaching, and student-directed learning. Graduates receive an undergraduate Major from the School in conjunction with a Major from an existing program, thus combining disciplinary rigour with interdisciplinary flexibility and experimentation.

SASAH graduates will have demonstrated abilities in the following areas:

Cultural: appreciation of the complexities of human achievement, communication, and motivation in a wide range of places and moments in history.

Linguistic: acquisition of languages other than English.

Experiential:  hands on learning and professional experience opportunities in London, across Canada, and abroad.

Global: contact with wider cultural and workplace communities through international study, travel, and exchange.

Social: self-understanding through collaboration with classmates, scholars, and community members at home and abroad.

The Program information provided below is updated on an ongoing basis. Please note that course descriptions will change from year to year depending upon which Research Fellows are teaching the courses. Please send inquiries to either the SASAH Director or SASAH Program Coordinator at


The cost to enroll in The School is the regular full-time tuition fee paid by all students registered in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities. 


Graduates will receive an  as well as a Major (honours module) or Honors Specialization in another program of their choice.

Students will register in the Arts and Humanities Major, but they also must be registered in a second Major (honours module) or Honors Specialization. In other words, the Major in Arts and Humanities cannot be taken on its own.

The First Year

All students in SASAH register for Arts & Humanities 1020E. Team-taught by the School’s Research Fellows, this course is a thematic and historical survey of representative fields and topics within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The course will introduce students to the study of culture, and modes of scholarly and public engagement and their central place in societies. Assignments will emphasize scholarly rigour, critical thinking, and advanced communication skills, as well as introduce the principles of experiential learning.

Second to Fourth Years

Students progress through an increasingly intensive and enriched curriculum.

Second-year courses orient students in theoretical approaches and research methods specific to Arts and Humanities.

Third-year special topics courses combine cross-listed courses in the Arts and Humanities with opportunities for international exchanges. An online half-course in professional and community practices can be taken even if students are studying abroad, and helps prepare students for the transition to careers or post-graduate studies.

The fourth year offers experiential learning courses that expose students to training in the broader community and a full-year capstone seminar that includes a guest professor, a community-engaged group project, and an individual research project.

Experiential Learning

The School provides an environment where students can engage in a wide spectrum of learning activities beyond the classroom. There are opportunities for working with archives and other historical materials, curating, editing and publishing, marketing, organizational planning and design, and research engagements with faculty, etc.

Research Fellows

SASAH’s focussed learning environment offers engaged mentorship from the School’s Research Fellows, who are drawn from the over 140 professors in ÉîÒ¹¸£ÀûÕ¾’s top-ranked Faculty of Arts and Humanities. This group of dedicated scholars includes Canada Research Chairs, Distinguished University Professors, Hellmuth Prize winners, 3M National Teaching Fellows, and Edward Pleva Teaching Award winners.

Publications and Exhibitions

SASAH sponsors and facilitates the presentation and publication of exhibitions, blogs, and online and print material. Guided by Faculty Research Fellows, the students gain valuable professional opportunities to disseminate their work and to begin to develop a scholarly and/or creative track record.


SASAH has a dedicated study and seminar space in Stevenson Hall, Room 3156, on Main Campus, which offers a common space for students to engage in creative, critical, and professional exchange and debate. The offices for the Director, Program Coordinator, Community Engagement and Outreach Coordinator, and the Experiential Learning Specialist are also located in Stevenson Hall, across from 3156.