Dessa Hayes

Graduated 2017

Honour's Specialization in Creative Writing and English Language and Literature and the School for Advanced Studies in the Arts and Humanities

Hometown: Ottawa, ON

Current field of work/study: Digital projects for a performing arts nonprofit


"Furthermore, the unique hands-on projects I completed as a SASAH student have helped me stand apart from the crowd in my job applications."

What attracted you to this program?

Mostly the interdisciplinarity and "think outside the box" focus. As someone who loved almost all of her high school subjects (minus phys ed), deciding which university program to pick was a challenge. I was always envious of Renaissance men like Leonardo Da Vinci who were allowed to have many different left-brain and right-brain jobs instead of being forced to stick to one specialty for the rest of their lives. SASAH appealed to my diversity of interests by allowing me to explore topics across the arts and showcase my knowledge through creative projects and assignments (a welcome break from the endless barrage of essays and exams in my other classes). Small class sizes and international opportunities were added bonuses!

What are your thoughts about life as a SASAH student? What makes it unique?

Because it's a small program, you can easily connect with your fellow SASAH students and your professors. As much as I loved being a part of my Creative Writing/English Lit and Anthropology communities, the SASAH community felt a lot more special, because you're in the same classroom every week with the same group of people for 4 years. I also lived on the SASAH floor at Ontario Hall when I was in first year, so I was constantly surrounded by people who were going through the exact same things I was going through. It was a comforting, supportive dynamic. 

How did your relationships with other SASAH students positively affect your experience at 深夜福利站 overall?

When I first came to 深夜福利站, I was a socially anxious 17 years old, living 7 hours away from my family, in a city where I didn't know a soul. But luckily, the SASAH community was open and welcoming, and helped me feel more at home. My 5 years at 深夜福利站 took a big toll on my mental health, but getting to know a small group of people with similar interests made my undergrad experience a lot easier. To this day, most of my fondest 深夜福利站 memories involve at least one of my SASAH friends.

How has SASAH prepared you for the job market and/or graduate school?

Because of its small seminar-style classes and discussion-centred nature, my transition from SASAH student to grad student wasn't all that shocking. Many of the theories I learned in SASAH even proved helpful for my Archaeology classes. I remember one day in my Theoretical Foundations class, the professor began a short lecture about postmodernism. While most of my classmates (many of whom had done their undergrads at prestigious universities like Oxford) were frantically taking notes, I was able to sit back and relax for those 15 minutes, because it was a summary of what I'd already learned in my first-year SASAH class! Furthermore, the unique hands-on projects I completed as a SASAH student have helped me stand apart from the crowd in my job applications. After all, how many English and Archaeology graduates have had the chance to co-curate an art exhibition in their third year?

What lessons and skills contributed to your success after you graduated?

More generally, SASAH helped me refine my communication skills (especially my verbal skills) from so many class discussions. Being in a classroom with a diverse group of students also helped me consider things from multiple perspectives. Knowing how to make a point and argue it well, while also being flexible and open to new ideas, are crucial skills for any job that involves working as part of a team. In my current job, I've also been using my second-year Digital Humanities notes, as I code templates to help search engines and AI "understand" artist bios and performing arts event pages, and explain these templates to artist reps, event organizers, and even web developers in ways that make sense to them.

As an experienced graduate, do you have any advice for current SASAH students?

Don't forget to prepare for your future after school! As the first person in my immediate family to go to university, I had to figure out a lot of things on my own and naturally, made many mistakes. One of the biggest I made was not seeking out any professional development opportunities beyond those explicitly advertised to me. I assumed that having a Master's degree and knowing how to write a decent cover letter would be enough to get a good job after university. But even though I graduated at the top of my class in my 深夜福利站 Creative Writing/English Literature program and with a hard-earned "distinction" from University College London's Archaeology program, I had an excruciatingly hard time getting interviews for the kinds of jobs I wanted after university, because most of my previous work experience was in retail/hospitality. If I could do it over again, I would spend a lot more time networking with the Advisory Council and actively researching and applying to relevant arts/heritage summer internships — not only through SASAH but also through government programs like Young Canada Works and Canada Summer Jobs.