
Animal Care and Veterinary Services Animal Care and Veterinary Services

Commercial Orders

Use the eSirius3G Website to request animals sourced from AUS-approved commercial animal suppliers, e.g. Charles River, Jackson Labs, to be associated with the Health Sciences Animal Care Facility, the West Valley Facility or Robarts Research Institute.

The Primary Research Technician Responsible for the care of the animals requested within the form is required to have the following:

Commercial Animal Suppliers

Rodent Shipment Schedules:

Form Submission Method & Deadline

ALL requisition forms must be submitted electronically to eSirius3G before 11:59pm on Mondays, regardless if Monday is a holiday.  Orders will be happily accepted prior to Monday as well.   Orders are then processed and delivery scheduled for the following week (subject to vendor availability).  Any orders submitted after the deadline will be processed the following week.  An email/form receipt confirmation will be sent by the Animal Ordering Office. If an email receipt sent by the Animal Ordering Office is not received by 10 a.m. Wednesday, please contact the Animal Ordering Office. ACVS does not accept responsibility for any UWO server problems.

Late Orders

It is understood that occasionally urgent situations do arise and that special orders may need to be placed. An administrative service charge will be added to the usual charges for the extra administrative time it takes to redo the facility order to include late animals. Please see the ACVS Price List for details regarding this service charge.

Form Content

​Only those orders that can be filled exactly as requested will be placed. If there are discrepancies or ordering problems, attempts will be made to contact the Requestor. If unable to do so, the order will not be placed. Only currently active protocols having remaining authorized animal numbers may order animals. In addition, active protocols may order only as many animals as are approved on the protocol. The ‘Do Not Unpack’ housing type may only be chosen for acute studies, or for chronic studies having ACC pre-approval for exemption from  the  SOP310  ‘72-hour holding period’ requirement prior to animal use.  If ACC approval is uncertain, please contact the ACC office.

​Health Status

ACVS may refuse animal shipments based on current health status. Investigators will be contacted for alternate arrangements.

Arrival Information & Processes

You must inform the Animal Ordering Office within the first 24 following the arrival of your animals if there are any potential issues or discrepancies with your order (i.e. weight, age, possible illness). The vendors will not issue credits, if deemed necessary, outside of this time frame.


Contact the Animal Ordering Office to request arrival schedules and confirmation, or view the ACVS Main Office (M510 or WV 101) bulletin boards for Delivery Schedule details.

Holding Period

SOP 310 states that for chronic studies, "Animals arriving at any of the animal facilities in London are required to undergo a 72 hour Holding Period to allow them to acclimatize to the stresses of transportation and to adjust to a new environment. During this period no experimental procedures may be performed." Exempted animals are those immediately euthanized for tissues and not held in an animal housing facility, and protocols for which ACC permission for deviation from the SOP has been provided.